test melih
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  • pakojoom Friend

    Hello, (i’m french so excuse e for my poor english.)

    I have a section named News
    In this section i have two categories : news1 and news 2
    For each of those categories i have an article

    I’ve changed in the index.php this line :
    # Choose your prefer Menu Type
    $ja_menutype = 3;

    I want a transmenu.

    But it doesn’t work, i don’t have the little arrow like te demo has.

    I would like to have something like that in the upper menu:

    NEWS |
    News 2

    Can you explain me how to do that. I’m very new in Joomla…

    Thanks for help.

    brandon12 Friend

    in joomla admin

    on top left, click “menu”
    click “main menu”
    on top right, click “new”
    on bottom right content, click “new content item” then
    highlight the article, on top right click “next”
    give it a sub-menu name, change the parent item from “top” to the “section”

    then it should be there!

    pakojoom Friend

    Thanks… it works…
    I’m a newbie… :-*

    brandon12 Friend

    glad you got it working
    good job

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

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