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  • jegbertzen Friend

    I have just updated zoo and the t3 blank to version 2.5.3, but now all pages of Zoo show the following error:

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class JViewLegacy in /home/users/oraoeftp/haagseouderen.orangehilltest.nl/libraries/cms/view/legacy.php on line 23

    see: http://haagseouderen.orangehilltest.nl/index.php?option=com_zoo&view=item&layout=item&Itemid=419

    Can anyone help out?

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi there,

    The error comes from the core file of joomla, which version of joomla are you using? Did you try to switch default template to another template like Bee5?

    jaweb Friend

    The problem is with the JA T3v3 System Plugin and Zoo. JA uses their own JViewLegacy to move the html directory from the template to the plugin and then zoo imports the Joomla version.

    To fix it for now you can hack:

    Replace line 8 & 9:



    if (!class_exists('JViewLegacy', false)){

    ecohaven Friend

    I have same problem with joomla 3.0.2 and Ja-university with HikaShop
    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class JViewLegacy in /public_html/plugins/system/jat3/jat3/core/joomla/view.php on line 716

    what code do I change?
    thank you
    here is the code from HikaShop:

    class hikashopBridgeView extends JView {}
    } else {
    class hikashopBridgeView extends JViewLegacy {}

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi ecohaven,

    Please try solution in this thread: http://www.joomlart.com/forums/topic/cannot-redeclare-class-jviewlegacy/

    kanenses Friend

    <em>@jaweb 350531 wrote:</em><blockquote>The problem is with the JA T3v3 System Plugin and Zoo. JA uses their own JViewLegacy to move the html directory from the template to the plugin and then zoo imports the Joomla version.

    To fix it for now you can hack:

    Replace line 8 & 9:



    if (!class_exists('JViewLegacy', false)){


    Work great on Mendozite Template 🙂

    bettermentflux Developer

    That worked. Thank you for the fix. Concerned that my site will break again if/when I update the T3 framework. Since the fix seems so simple and the bug only affects JoomlArt Templates, when could we expect the fix to be merged in to the source?

    Thanks again.

    Saguaros Moderator

    Thanks for your idea, we will check it with new version of T3 framework and will update if problem persists. 🙂


    musicinme Friend

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for the fix! It works with

    Joomla! 3.0.3, JA T3v3 1.2.3 and T

    3 Blank J3.0.
    Superb solution and Joomlart should do something with this conflict since last post it still persist.

    emarketingventures Friend

    Thank you! Worked on JA Social.
    <em>@jaweb 350531 wrote:</em><blockquote>The problem is with the JA T3v3 System Plugin and Zoo. JA uses their own JViewLegacy to move the html directory from the template to the plugin and then zoo imports the Joomla version.

    To fix it for now you can hack:

    Replace line 8 & 9:



    if (!class_exists('JViewLegacy', false)){


    pomicult Friend

    i have the same problem but on joomla 3.2 – with “adsmanager” component
    This is the error: “Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class JViewLegacy in C:xampphtdocsramnicpress.ropluginssystemjat3jat3corejoomlaviewlegacy.php on line 711”
    Please help me!

    Saguaros Moderator

    @pomicult: Did you try to update JAT3 plugin to the latest version? (Remember to BACKUP your site first).

    pomicult Friend

    I have the latest version of JAT3
    I insatalled latest version of JA TELINE IV (3.2) with all updates.
    This error occurred after I installed last update from Joomla 3.2.2

    Saguaros Moderator

    Joomla have released this new version 3.2.2 recently and this JA T3v2 framework is still not compatible with J.3.2.2, we are in progress to have it updated.

    Anyway, if your site is online, you can PM me admin & ftp credentials and URL of page where problem can be seen. I will try to check this for you.

    fabrice31 Friend


    I am using joomla 3.4.1 with Jat3 T3v2 framework plugin (2.7.1) et jurityii template (2.5.5)

    I have the same error when i am opening a product on hikashop.

    I am working in local before updating online

    Thanks for you help

    1. error-jat3
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