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  • bhvi Friend


    Im using the JA Community template and the Calendar feature. I have one small problem i want the days to be M,T, W like the example on the demo site etc instead of Mon Tue Wed as it pushes the calendar outside the right module. You can see the examples I have attached…

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks and regards

    1. calendar
    2. calendar2
    khoand Friend

    You change this code from /modules/mod_k2_tools/includes/calendarClass.php

    var $dayNames = array("S", "M", "T", "W", "T", "F", "S");

    bhvi Friend

    Hi Khoand thanks for the quick response … as you can see my php has that code in it already i believe,
    and yet module shows mon tues wed etc ?

    I have attached the php file I have … if you have time see if you can seee anything.

    * @version $Id: calendarClass.php 1034 2011-10-04 17:00:00Z joomlaworks $
    * @package K2
    * @author JoomlaWorks http://www.joomlaworks.gr
    * @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2011 JoomlaWorks Ltd. All rights reserved.
    * @license GNU/GPL license: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html

    // no direct access
    defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');

    // PHP Calendar Class Version 1.4 (5th March 2001)
    // Copyright David Wilkinson 2000 - 2001. All Rights reserved.
    // This software may be used, modified and distributed freely
    // providing this copyright notice remains intact at the head
    // of the file.
    // This software is freeware. The author accepts no liability for
    // any loss or damages whatsoever incurred directly or indirectly
    // from the use of this script. The author of this software makes
    // no claims as to its fitness for any purpose whatsoever. If you
    // wish to use this software you should first satisfy yourself that
    // it meets your requirements.
    // URL: http://www.cascade.org.uk/software/php/calendar/
    // Email: davidw@cascade.org.uk

    class Calendar
    Constructor for the Calendar class
    function Calendar()

    Get the array of strings used to label the days of the week. This array contains seven
    elements, one for each day of the week. The first entry in this array represents Sunday.
    function getDayNames()
    return $this->dayNames;

    Set the array of strings used to label the days of the week. This array must contain seven
    elements, one for each day of the week. The first entry in this array represents Sunday.
    function setDayNames($names)
    $this->dayNames = $names;

    Get the array of strings used to label the months of the year. This array contains twelve
    elements, one for each month of the year. The first entry in this array represents January.
    function getMonthNames()
    return $this->monthNames;

    Set the array of strings used to label the months of the year. This array must contain twelve
    elements, one for each month of the year. The first entry in this array represents January.
    function setMonthNames($names)
    $this->monthNames = $names;

    Gets the start day of the week. This is the day that appears in the first column
    of the calendar. Sunday = 0.
    function getStartDay()
    return $this->startDay;

    Sets the start day of the week. This is the day that appears in the first column
    of the calendar. Sunday = 0.
    function setStartDay($day)
    $this->startDay = $day;

    Gets the start month of the year. This is the month that appears first in the year
    view. January = 1.
    function getStartMonth()
    return $this->startMonth;

    Sets the start month of the year. This is the month that appears first in the year
    view. January = 1.
    function setStartMonth($month)
    $this->startMonth = $month;

    Return the URL to link to in order to display a calendar for a given month/year.
    You must override this method if you want to activate the "forward" and "back"
    feature of the calendar.

    Note: If you return an empty string from this function, no navigation link will
    be displayed. This is the default behaviour.

    If the calendar is being displayed in "year" view, $month will be set to zero.
    function getCalendarLink($month, $year)
    return "";

    Return the URL to link to for a given date.
    You must override this method if you want to activate the date linking
    feature of the calendar.

    Note: If you return an empty string from this function, no navigation link will
    be displayed. This is the default behaviour.
    function getDateLink($day, $month, $year)
    return "";

    Return the HTML for the current month
    function getCurrentMonthView()
    $d = getdate(time());
    return $this->getMonthView($d["mon"], $d["year"]);

    Return the HTML for the current year
    function getCurrentYearView()
    $d = getdate(time());
    return $this->getYearView($d["year"]);

    Return the HTML for a specified month
    function getMonthView($month, $year)
    return $this->getMonthHTML($month, $year);

    Return the HTML for a specified year
    function getYearView($year)
    return $this->getYearHTML($year);


    The rest are private methods. No user-servicable parts inside.

    You shouldn't need to call any of these functions directly.


    Calculate the number of days in a month, taking into account leap years.
    function getDaysInMonth($month, $year)
    if ($month < 1 || $month > 12)
    return 0;

    $d = $this->daysInMonth[$month - 1];

    if ($month == 2)
    // Check for leap year
    // Forget the 4000 rule, I doubt I'll be around then...

    if ($year%4 == 0)
    if ($year%100 == 0)
    if ($year%400 == 0)
    $d = 29;
    $d = 29;

    return $d;

    Generate the HTML for a given month
    function getMonthHTML($m, $y, $showYear = 1)
    $s = "";

    $a = $this->adjustDate($m, $y);
    $month = $a[0];
    $year = $a[1];

    $daysInMonth = $this->getDaysInMonth($month, $year);
    $date = getdate(mktime(12, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year));

    $first = $date["wday"];
    $monthName = $this->monthNames[$month - 1];

    $prev = $this->adjustDate($month - 1, $year);
    $next = $this->adjustDate($month + 1, $year);

    if ($showYear == 1)
    $prevMonth = $this->getCalendarLink($prev[0], $prev[1]);
    $nextMonth = $this->getCalendarLink($next[0], $next[1]);
    $prevMonth = "";
    $nextMonth = "";

    $header = $monthName . (($showYear > 0) ? " " . $year : "");

    $s .= "<table class="calendar">n";
    $s .= "<tr>n";
    $s .= "<td class="calendarNavMonthPrev">" . (($prevMonth == "") ? " " : "<a class="calendarNavLink" href="$prevMonth">«</a>") . "</td>n";
    $s .= "<td class="calendarCurrentMonth" colspan="5">$header</td>n";
    $s .= "<td class="calendarNavMonthNext">" . (($nextMonth == "") ? " " : "<a class="calendarNavLink" href="$nextMonth">»</a>") . "</td>n";
    $s .= "</tr>n";

    $s .= "<tr>n";
    $s .= "<td class="calendarDayName" style="width:".round(100/7)."%">" . $this->dayNames[($this->startDay)%7] . "</td>n";
    $s .= "<td class="calendarDayName" style="width:".round(100/7)."%">" . $this->dayNames[($this->startDay+1)%7] . "</td>n";
    $s .= "<td class="calendarDayName" style="width:".round(100/7)."%">" . $this->dayNames[($this->startDay+2)%7] . "</td>n";
    $s .= "<td class="calendarDayName" style="width:".round(100/7)."%">" . $this->dayNames[($this->startDay+3)%7] . "</td>n";
    $s .= "<td class="calendarDayName" style="width:".round(100/7)."%">" . $this->dayNames[($this->startDay+4)%7] . "</td>n";
    $s .= "<td class="calendarDayName" style="width:".round(100/7)."%">" . $this->dayNames[($this->startDay+5)%7] . "</td>n";
    $s .= "<td class="calendarDayName" style="width:".round(100/7)."%">" . $this->dayNames[($this->startDay+6)%7] . "</td>n";
    $s .= "</tr>n";

    // We need to work out what date to start at so that the first appears in the correct column
    $d = $this->startDay + 1 - $first;
    while ($d > 1)
    $d -= 7;

    // Make sure we know when today is, so that we can use a different CSS style
    $today = getdate(time());

    while ($d <= $daysInMonth)
    $s .= "<tr>n";

    for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++)
    $class = ($year == $today["year"] && $month == $today["mon"] && $d == $today["mday"]) ? "calendarToday" : "calendarDate";

    if ($d > 0 && $d <= $daysInMonth){
    $link = $this->getDateLink($d, $month, $year);
    if($link == ""){
    $s .= "<td class="{$class}">$d</td>n";
    } else {
    $s .= "<td class="{$class}Linked"><a href="$link">$d</a></td>n";
    } else {
    $s .= "<td class="calendarDateEmpty"> </td>n";

    $s .= "</tr>n";

    $s .= "</table>n";

    return $s;

    Generate the HTML for a given year
    function getYearHTML($year)
    $s = "";
    $prev = $this->getCalendarLink(0, $year - 1);
    $next = $this->getCalendarLink(0, $year + 1);

    $s .= "<table class="calendar" border="0">n";
    $s .= "<tr>";
    $s .= "<td class="calendarNavMonthPrev">" . (($prev == "") ? " " : "<a class="calendarNavLink" href="$prev">«</a>") . "</td>n";
    $s .= "<td class="calendarCurrentMonth">" . (($this->startMonth > 1) ? $year . " - " . ($year + 1) : $year) ."</td>n";
    $s .= "<td class="calendarNavMonthNext">" . (($next == "") ? " " : "<a class="calendarNavLink" href="$next">»</a>") . "</td>n";
    $s .= "</tr>n";
    $s .= "<tr>";
    $s .= "<td class="calendarMonth">" . $this->getMonthHTML(0 + $this->startMonth, $year, 0) ."</td>n";
    $s .= "<td class="calendarMonth">" . $this->getMonthHTML(1 + $this->startMonth, $year, 0) ."</td>n";
    $s .= "<td class="calendarMonth">" . $this->getMonthHTML(2 + $this->startMonth, $year, 0) ."</td>n";
    $s .= "</tr>n";
    $s .= "<tr>n";
    $s .= "<td class="calendarMonth">" . $this->getMonthHTML(3 + $this->startMonth, $year, 0) ."</td>n";
    $s .= "<td class="calendarMonth">" . $this->getMonthHTML(4 + $this->startMonth, $year, 0) ."</td>n";
    $s .= "<td class="calendarMonth">" . $this->getMonthHTML(5 + $this->startMonth, $year, 0) ."</td>n";
    $s .= "</tr>n";
    $s .= "<tr>n";
    $s .= "<td class="calendarMonth">" . $this->getMonthHTML(6 + $this->startMonth, $year, 0) ."</td>n";
    $s .= "<td class="calendarMonth">" . $this->getMonthHTML(7 + $this->startMonth, $year, 0) ."</td>n";
    $s .= "<td class="calendarMonth">" . $this->getMonthHTML(8 + $this->startMonth, $year, 0) ."</td>n";
    $s .= "</tr>n";
    $s .= "<tr>n";
    $s .= "<td class="calendarMonth">" . $this->getMonthHTML(9 + $this->startMonth, $year, 0) ."</td>n";
    $s .= "<td class="calendarMonth">" . $this->getMonthHTML(10 + $this->startMonth, $year, 0) ."</td>n";
    $s .= "<td class="calendarMonth">" . $this->getMonthHTML(11 + $this->startMonth, $year, 0) ."</td>n";
    $s .= "</tr>n";
    $s .= "</table>n";

    return $s;

    Adjust dates to allow months > 12 and < 0. Just adjust the years appropriately.
    e.g. Month 14 of the year 2001 is actually month 2 of year 2002.
    function adjustDate($month, $year)
    $a = array();
    $a[0] = $month;
    $a[1] = $year;

    while ($a[0] > 12)
    $a[0] -= 12;

    while ($a[0] <= 0)
    $a[0] += 12;

    return $a;

    The start day of the week. This is the day that appears in the first column
    of the calendar. Sunday = 0.
    var $startDay = 0;

    The start month of the year. This is the month that appears in the first slot
    of the calendar in the year view. January = 1.
    var $startMonth = 1;

    The labels to display for the days of the week. The first entry in this array
    represents Sunday.
    var $dayNames = array("S", "M", "T", "W", "T", "F", "S");

    The labels to display for the months of the year. The first entry in this array
    represents January.
    var $monthNames = array("January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December");

    The number of days in each month. You're unlikely to want to change this...
    The first entry in this array represents January.
    var $daysInMonth = array(31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31);




    khoand Friend

    Could you give me a link to your website and username+password of your backend and ftp? I will check it.

    khoand Friend

    I fixed it. I replace




    bhvi Friend

    Hi Khoand, thanks for all your help mate but it still isnt fixed once you click back a month it goes back to same format.
    and then you cant get back to november. Thanks for trying though I appreciate it.


    khoand Friend

    I replace this code from /components/com_k2/controllers/itemlist.php

    $days = array (JText::_('K2_SUN'), JText::_('K2_MON'), JText::_('K2_TUE'), JText::_('K2_WED'), JText::_('K2_THU'), JText::_('K2_FRI'), JText::_('K2_SAT'), );


    $days = array ('S', 'M', 'T', 'W', 'T', 'F', 'S', );

    bhvi Friend

    Thankyou very much for your help. Thats perfect.


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