<em>@cssdaweb 365196 wrote:</em><blockquote>I have the K2 Flexslider working on a new site. It works great in Firefox, but all of it’s styling diasappears when displayed in IE. Through some testing, I’ve found that it only works in IE when the ‘Enable Development Mode’ of the T3 framework is turned off. It appearently doesn’t like the LESS, even when it’s been compiled to CSS. Any ideas/suggestions on how to get it working with LESS enabled? It’s so much more productive to develope with LESS than stright CSS. Thanks…fred</blockquote>
Since posting the above, trough some further testing I’ve been able to verity that when ‘Optimize CSS’ is turned on in T3, the css file can’t be found for the K2 Flexslider. With LESS development mode turned off and Optimize CSS turned on, I receive this error, ‘Unable to open file: D:13projects_CSDwebmod_k2_flexislidercssflexslider.css’. The path doesn’t include ‘modules’ as it should.