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  • ps5t0ck5 Friend

    In category layout if I use any other size image it covers the intro text, also in the item layout the image will not resize to any other size than that in the demo.

    Any help appreciated.

    HeR0 Friend

    Hi, Ps5t0ck5
    Please provide url, i’ll have a look and help you 🙂


    ps5t0ck5 Friend

    Thanks HeR0,

    I have sent the info re PM – basic quickstart install, with updates for category_item.php and category_item.php (blog fix) done

    HeR0 Friend

    Hi ps5t0ck5,
    <blockquote>updates for category_item.php and category_item.php (blog fix) </blockquote>

    Can you tell me where did you do the updates ?
    I’ve seen K2 blog has changed all, losing the style from JA Puresite template.

    You can try to rollback k2 layout


    ps5t0ck5 Friend

    Hi HeR0

    This thread http://www.joomlart.com/forums/topic/bug-in-ja-puresite-k2-blog-layout-puresite-template/ shows updates that are downloaded from the thread go here:

    templates/ja_puresite/html/com_k2/templates/puresite_blog -> category_item(fix blog).php
    templates/ja_puresite/html/com_k2/templates/puresite -> category_item.php

    Are these updates wrong then?


    HeR0 Friend


    I am not sure if your site has the same bugs as the other users site.

    So if after installing quickstart your site does not have bugs then you do not need to update k2 layout override.

    Please confirm that because i and you can seen that after your updates, k2 layout is broken.


    ps5t0ck5 Friend


    These were used because I did have the same problem with the comments – not quite sure what you mean by K2 layout broken apart from the images causing a problem?

    Latest – now I have copied over the new quickstart (uploaded yesterday) K2 files here templates/ja_puresite/html/com_k2 which completely overwrites previous files that I had updated here. I have disabled comments and all seems good, but categories where I have changed the image size the problem remains, the categories where I have not changed the image size are fine. I have also created a newblog and have given it the original image size settings and everything is fine, on the puresite blog menu item the problem remains with the image covering the intro text. Image sizes in item still remain small even though image size set to large or medium.

    I do appreciate you taking the time to help here.

    PS I use Firefox for admin and have also checked site in IE and Safari.

    I have just created a test using the demo builder on the Joomlart site and exactly the same problem is evident.

    HeR0 Friend

    +Please open file templates/ja_puresite/css/k2.css
    – Find ( line 2076 )
    .catItemBlog {
    display: inline-block;
    float: left;
    position: relative;
    width: 220px;

    then replace to

    .catItemBlog {
    display: inline-block;
    float: left;
    margin-right: 10px;
    position: relative;

    +problem with puresite category large picture goes underneath modules
    – You set image size is larger more than size of layout fixed so layout broken, so you should reduce image size please.


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