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  • jeannine Friend

    Hello, I have some issues, which I cannot find any solution for.

    The settings in backend do not seem to make any changes.

    1. intro text for children category should only be 10 letters. Even setting of read more does not make any break.
    2. The header “children categories” – where to remove
    3. The rss feed icon – where to remove that?
    4. View all – I need to translate that here and as well on frontpage

    how to…

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi Jeannine,

    You can change these via backend settings of your site. You should check options to hide K2 feed and the limit intro text in menu item of current category page first, if it inherits settings from category. Then you will need to go to settings of its category and make change.

    I just change for you and here is the results: http://prntscr.com/76iqj0

    For the ‘View All’ text, I just replace the ‘view all’ text with:
    <blockquote><?php echo JText::_(‘TPL_VIEW_ALL_ALL’); ?></blockquote>

    You now can simply go to the language file of your own language and add this text field:

    TPL_VIEW_ALL_ALL = your_desired_text_here

    jeannine Friend

    Thank you for helping. But I still do experience problems.
    I checked on menu item settings. Under options I can see settings, but not make changes.

    In K2 categories options, I only can set item view options, but not category settings.

    The issue is, that I do have some category description. Too long to show in category overview page, and too less to add ekstra item in category.

    So I need to have the introtext – lines before page break – in category overview: http://moosdorf.dk.web18.redhost.dk/hegn/alle-hegnlosninger and as you can see for “Elementhegn” – I want only the intro lines to be shown on the category overview page – link above – and when clicking this category “Elementhegn” I want the rest to be shown. How can I do that?

    jeannine Friend

    Thank you for helping. But I still do experience problems.
    I checked on menu item settings. Under options I can see settings, but not make changes.

    In K2 categories options, I only can set item view options, but not category settings.

    The issue is, that I do have some category description. Too long to show in category overview page, and too less to add ekstra item in category.

    So I need to have the introtext – lines before page break – in category overview: http://moosdorf.dk.web18.redhost.dk/hegn/alle-hegnlosninger and as you can see for “Elementhegn” – I want only the intro lines to be shown on the category overview page – link above – and when clicking this category “Elementhegn” I want the rest to be shown. How can I do that?

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi Jeannine,

    I think there is something wrong with the K2 version you’re using on your site. I also try to set the ‘Introtext word limit’ = 10 but it shows all intro text part.

    I also try switching default template – JA Hotel to default Joomla template like Protostar / Beez but the problem still persists. You can try the same.

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  jeannine 9 years, 7 months ago.

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