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  • opossites Friend

    Ive been using sanidine for a while now, but i recently upgraded kunena to 1.6.

    I know that kunena is not even officially supported by sanidine, i downloaded from here the template made by a user, and it worked like a charm.

    Im here to ask if anybody here made, or is planning on making the same thing for 1.6 please.

    Thanks in advance.

    opossites Friend

    need an answer asap.

    aman204 Friend


    Can you please eloborate on the post if you are getting some specific error like a blank page, template being broken e.t.c with kuena


    Phill Moderator

    Sandine/Sandine II had a template designed to work with fireboard, the predecessor to Kunena. When Kunena came out the template system changed a bit meaning the built in templates no longer worked. I modified the templates to work but never got around to ironing out some of the bugs but some other users did add to my work and got rid of a few.

    Now with Kunena 1.6 the template system has changed again and by quite a substantial amount. To modity the templates to work with it would be a lot of work for which I just do not have the time for. I very much doubt JA will re-visit either given the current switch to Agora as seen in JA Social and given that they didn’t upgrade from Fireboard to Kunena at the time.

    opossites Friend

    But theres still some kind of issue, about the kunena thing that affect the split menu.

    I will link the topics i wrote at kunena.com so i dont have to retype and you can see the feedback they gave me.



    Phill Moderator

    The comment in the Kunena forum you link to suggests that the split menu is not compatible with the Mootools Upgrade plugin. I’ve just done a local install, enabled that plugin and I can assure you the slpit menu and all the other options work exactly as they should. It might have been fixed as part of the recent upgrade to Joomla 1.5.22.

    Phill Moderator

    The error that occurs when Kunena is installed is

    <blockquote>Warning: require_once(C:wampwwwSandineII/administrator/components/com_comprofiler/library/cb/cb.tables.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:wampwwwSandineIIadministratorcomponentscom_comprofilerplugin.foundation.php on line 39

    Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required ‘C:wampwwwSandineII/administrator/components/com_comprofiler/library/cb/cb.tables.php’ (include_path=’.;C:php5pear’) in C:wampwwwSandineIIadministratorcomponentscom_comprofilerplugin.foundation.php on line 39</blockquote>

    I would suggest passing that back to the Kunena team.

    Removing the require from line 39 makes Kunena work but as I do not know Kunena I do not know what other effect it might have which is why it is best asked over there. Please, if they come up with something come back and tell us.

    Phill Moderator

    After a little further testing the above error message comes from community builder. Simply upgrade to the latest release of community builder and Kunena will work fine if you also have the latest version of sandineII.

    opossites Friend

    Im running last version of everything, as far as i know. Just checked:
    joomla is at 1.5.22;
    CB at 1.2.3;
    Mootols 1.2;
    and of course kunena 1.6

    I had disabled Mootols actually, just enabled it, and still the issue continues. It appears the version of sanidine im running is 1.0. I see theres a 1.5. What exactly do i need to download? I mean, ive done a lot of changes on that template (as you can see on the website) and i do want to redo everything. Because i assume that if i update this, it will give me a default sanidine kind of setup? Or not?

    Phill Moderator

    You will have to work out your changes I am afraid. It is not as hard as it sounds though.

    Tase an original copy of your templates folder and your modified copy. Compare them with a tool such as Grep (versions are availabe for windows and it is part of linux). That tool will highligh all your custom changes and what file they are in etc and you can note them all. When to upgrade to the new version you can simply re-apply those changes.

    opossites Friend

    Does that include module positions and various settings?

    And it there really not other way to just upgrade the split menu itself?

    And first of all, are we really sure thats the issue? It would be really lame if im going through all that for having the same issue again.

    Since you already tried stuff, could you try setup the config i have? In other words: what you just did but with sanidine 1.0 instead of 1.5.

    Phill Moderator

    I do not have a copy of version 1.0.

    You could try replacing all the files you have not modified.

    As for going through it all, it really does not take that long once you get started.

    You can test it all yourself using a tool such a WAMP – http://www.wampserver.com/en/ . Take a copy of your own site and install it to your localhost and you will have a working copy of your site on your desktop (I use akeeba to do the copy) so you can experiment. You could also install the latest sandine there too so you can experiment.

    opossites Friend

    okay i do already have a backup website so thats not the issue. But im a little bit confused:

    From this listing not everything appears to be version 1.5, is that the way it is supposed to be? And which one(s) exactly am i supposed to update in order to fix this issue?

    Thank you.

    Phill Moderator

    The only one we are concerned with is the template itself with regards to your custom changes but you should be fine updating all the other components. The version numbers are the version numbers for that particular component, not for Joomla.

    Here is what I would do. (all on the local copy of my site using wamp)

    Make a backup of my site (using akeeba) and install it to wamp.
    Update all the components from the download excemp the template and the quickstart then test all is OK
    Update CB to the latest release and test it works OK.

    Backup again (akeeba).

    If all of the above goes as planned then we have to move onto upgrading the template folder. The first thing you will need to do is use a clean copy of your original template download, just the template folder. If you have no notes at to what you have changed using one of the many file compare tools available work our which files you have edited. Compare using the same tool the changes and make notes on all the changes. You will probably only have changed the index.php file and some css.

    Set your default template to some other template and uninstall the sandine template from the back end.

    Install the new version and apply all your custom changes using the notes from above.

    If all goes well you should then be able to enable the moo upgrade plug and test again. If all then runs you can then install Kunena 1.6 but bear in mind we have no custom template for it.

    Create a new backup and upload the new site using akeeba.

    This might all sound a lot of work but in all likelyhood it should take less than an hour to complete.

    Phill Moderator

    It also might be helpfull if you post a link to your site.

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