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  • novinfard Friend

    hello my joomla friends.

    I found a bug in menu system of t3 framework (last version).

    Home menu redirect to main language instead of current language. I’m using joomla native extensions only, and this problem happens only in t3 menus, not other menus.

    You can see the online demo of problem in here:
    http://www.egolt.com (right and top menu different homepage urls)

    Please help to solve this problem…

    Best Regard

    novinfard Friend

    O ooh, Problem can be solved with this code replacement:

    JOOMLApluginssystemjat3coremenubase.class.php :: line 207 =>

    [PHP]$v->url = JURI::base();[/PHP]

    replace with:

    [PHP]$v->url = str_replace(array($v->route.’/’, $v->route), ”, JRoute::_($v->url));[/PHP]

    Please fix this bug in next version of t3 framework.

    Best Regards,

    caronte Friend

    Novinfard… You saved my life!!! Thanks man!!!

    schwartzen Friend

    Thank you so much, definitely a major bug that needs to be fixed, your code worked like a charm :))

    <em>@novinfard 311832 wrote:</em><blockquote>O ooh, Problem can be solved with this code replacement:

    JOOMLApluginssystemjat3coremenubase.class.php :: line 207 =>

    [PHP]$v->url = JURI::base();[/PHP]

    replace with:

    [PHP]$v->url = str_replace(array($v->route.’/’, $v->route), ”, JRoute::_($v->url));[/PHP]

    Please fix this bug in next version of t3 framework.

    Best Regards,

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  schwartzen 11 years, 9 months ago.

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