test melih
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  • soaresa Friend

    I’m new to the T3 configuration and I’m looking on the forum here for some help with an issue over the Language Switcher like is setup on the Demo site.
    I have enabled the plugin and created the module .
    ‘System – Language Filter’ is enable.
    I’m not sure how to do this: 2. Create a Home page by assigning a language to a menu item and defining it as Default Home page for each published content language.

    I can change and see the menu when I go to domain.com/es or domain.com/en but I cannot find a way to publish the Language Switcher on right position languageswitcherload.
    If you have any extra documentation to provide or if the admin access to the demo template is provided I can figure it out.
    Any help is really appreciated.

    soaresa Friend

    Never mind guys, I figured it out. I was not sure how to create another home page in a different language, it looks like setting as default will do it.
    Still think that it should have a documentation on it, if there is, please place the link here.

    Ninja Lead Moderator


    Please have a look at the user guide how to make the multi-lingual here


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