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  • darlanbscosta Friend

    I’m migrating my website. I chose ja_magz and’m having a problem I can not solve. LATEST The item does not appear on the main page of my site.
    I installed a sample site and compare it to the LATEST item works.
    In my official website, the item will not appear.

    I need help! Could anyone help me? Please …


    pavit Moderator


    In the quickstart version the LATEST items is referred to the Home menu item of the Section Menu
    If you installed a stand alone quickstart version check all the settings for that Home menu item and duplicate them on your website

    darlanbscosta Friend

    Good morning!
    Thank you for your attention.
    I’ve done that and it did not work.
    The settings of my site are identical to the sample content.

    pavit Moderator


    Could you send me via Private Message a super user account ?
    In this way i can check your settings and maybe be of more help

    pavit Moderator


    You need to add new articles in category choosed in inicio menu item and make that articles as Featured

    I set one of them as featured and as you can see it is showed correctly

    darlanbscosta Friend

    Got it.
    Many thanks for your help!
    I was very happy with the result.

    If possible, could you help me with two more items?

    01. I’m not able to put a new content module Read more or category list at position-20 home. He does not appear.

    02. Ja Tabs plugin installed, however when I set the modules to occupy the position ja_tabs also does not work.

    Again thank you very much.


    pavit Moderator


    <blockquote>01. I’m not able to put a new content module Read more or category list at position-20 home. He does not appear.</blockquote>

    I duplicated the module published in home-30 and publicated it in home-20 position and it works fine as you can see ( you can publish only modules in assigned positions )

    <blockquote>02. Ja Tabs plugin installed, however when I set the modules to occupy the position ja_tabs also does not work.</blockquote>

    Ja tabs is not a position try to take a look HERE how to create tabs

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

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