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  • xi7corex980x Friend

    Hello Forum,

    I use T3V3 with the blank-template on a test installation. The Joomla Version is 3.1.5 (latest). Unfortunately the layout-cloning funktion (i.e. default-joomla-3x.copy) does not work, whatever I give a name for the copy, isn’t appeared in the list… In my opinion, this function still worked on Joomla 3.1.0 and stopped with 3.1.1 :((

    Is this so only in my installation or did expertise that, too? :-[

    Thanks for any response!

    Regards 🙂

    Saguaros Moderator


    Do you mean the Save as Copy function? I just checked in our development site with Joomla 3.1.5 and it works as normal.

    xi7corex980x Friend

    Of course it worked in your joomla-installation: how often I already heard, that the things are working normally and the forums were full of red marked new themes about occurred errors in the framework and in the templates. I will work with other templates for now, I don’t have the time and the willing anymore, sitting and find the thousands of errors, that – to my opinion – make JA-templates and framework untrustable for production sites… Joomla works pretty fine in all versions, until JA-components are getting installed.
    Sorry, I ‘ve probed probed probed probed, nearly every template, that I could get through my JATC membership… And I didn’t saw anything that could be an serious satisfaction. Probably, you will say: “I don’t know how…” say it. Won t hurt to me. More painful would be waste somemore time with error-handling.
    Good luck, I’m off – forever.

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi there,

    Joomla has released the new version 3.1.5 recently, when you said that there is problem with clone function, I try to download T3 blank template and check if I can duplicate this issue or not. There maybe unpredictable conflict with 3rd party extensions used in your site that’s hard to control before we release this template.

    If possible, pm me URL, admin login info as well as ftp account of your site, I will try to check what’s going wrong here.


    datformatiebv Friend

    Clone function does not work after clean install…

    after “save-as” and “clone-it”, message “Layout changes has been saved successfully” appears. However after save the Style the newlycloned name disappears. Re-attempting results in: “New layout already exists”

    Also no cloned entries in “t3_bs3_blank” directory visible…

    1. Screen-Shot-2014-06-28-at-16.34.42
    2. Screen-Shot-2014-06-28-at-16.34.10
    Saguaros Moderator

    I tried to ‘Save as Copy’ the default template style of T3 blank but it works normally. You can PM me URL, admin and ftp account of your site, I will check further.

    webarnes Friend

    I’ll jump in. I’ve got same problem. It just started with latest Version 2.3.0.
    I’ve found that the cloning is saving to template/local/tpls and not template/tpls.

    What happens is – you clone a layout with new name. Success. However – No new name in drop down. Try to clone again with same new name and it says it already exists.

    When I searched I found the file here – /local/tpls
    So I copied new file to where it belongs – here – /tpls and it populates the drop down in layout manager.

    Please test to see if you replicate the same.
    This did not happen until I just updated to the 2.3.0 a little while ago.


    webarnes Friend

    It gets worse.
    You need to COPY the file from the /local/tpls to the /tpls folders in order for it to show up in the drop down menu.
    The Copy in the /tpls folder does not control the block layout.
    The copy in the /local/tpls controls the block layout……….:eek:

    Please look into this issue.

    It appears that the new local folder also contains the local/etc/layout directory where the generated .ini files are.

    So – I would think that you need to do 2 things.

    1-get the drop down menu to pull cloned items from the /local/tpls location
    and 2-
    Its now going to mis-lead everyone who watches it.


    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi William,

    The new version of T3 framework support to automatically create a new folder called local which will keep all your customization / changes in template stay when you update T3 framework/ template.

    May I know which drop down are you referring to here? I tried to Save As Copy a template style and I see it in drop down list in template manager: http://prntscr.com/404v78

    Its now going to mis-lead everyone who watches it.</blockquote>
    Thank you for your suggestion, we are updating our documentation for this new feature and it would go alive soon.


    datformatiebv Friend


    we are referring to the dropdown list in which the layouts (content of TPLS dir) are visible. “Saving as” (ie clone layout) does not work.

    1. Screen-Shot-2014-07-07-at-13.51.02
    icandy_webs Friend

    <em>@datformatie 434313 wrote:</em><blockquote>Clone function does not work after clean install…

    after “save-as” and “clone-it”, message “Layout changes has been saved successfully” appears. However after save the Style the newlycloned name disappears. Re-attempting results in: “New layout already exists”

    Also no cloned entries in “t3_bs3_blank” directory visible…</blockquote>

    Granted, I am using the Sugite template but I am also having this same exact issue. Not only that but I can’t apply more than one template style at a time. For instance I understand that the Featured Intro style and the default style operate differently. The featured does not display components in main content and while the default style does. Now this is all fine and dandy until I found out that I can’t apply more than one template style. When I set the default style to default and head to Menu Manager > Home > Template Style > then I select the Featured style that I created, click save, refresh my home page and VOILA! Absolutely nothing… (I also double checked to make sure that featured intro was selected from the Layout dropdown in the Template Manager)

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi guys,

    This is a bug of the new version of T3 framework, when you clone a new layout, the corresponding PHP file created in new folder /local/tpls so that it doesn’t appear in dropdown list. This issue was raised up in Github: https://github.com/t3framework/t3/issues/336 , our developer will check and fix it soon.

    In the mean time, please try going to folder: /templates/ja_your_default_template/local/tpls and copy the PHP file which is generated when you clone layout and paste into folder: /templates/ja_your_default_template/tpls/, you will see the new layout in the list then.

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

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