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  • yannick2407 Friend

    Hi again

    The layout of my home page is complete broken in Internet Explorer version 9.
    All other browsers (Chrome, FF etc) as well as IE7 , IE8 and IE 10 work properly.

    The front page is spreading over the entire width of the screen, see attached screenshot.
    I’m using the Hawkstore template by the way.

    Solutions I tried

    Of course I checked the forum for solutions. I found the following solutions:

    – Compile LSS to CSS : did that and it completely messed up my CSS files (e.g. background was set back to demo version) so I needed to restore a backup.

    Optimise CSS: set to YES for both templates I use (it was already the case, so no changes made)

    CSS compress mode : this option does not seem to be available in Hawkstore, I guess it’s replaced by Optimise CSS?

    K2 jquery : changed loading jquery , set to no and local , none worked

    When I go into the IE webdeveloper tool , and select Browsermode IE9 and then “documentmode : standard settings for IE9” , I see that the page loads properly. Switching it back to ‘quirks’ , makes the layout all scrambled again. I see some changes to html proposed, when I Google this subject, but am really reluctant to play around with this.

    It’s a live site by the way.

    Hope you can help !?


    1. IE9-issue
    phong nam Friend

    Hi Ron,

    The solution in this case is turning off the Enable Development Mode in Template Manager so that the IE9 will load the layout styles in compiled css files of template. By that way, your website’s layout can display finely on IE9.

    Well, it seems that you solved this problem by yourself since I see the Hawkstore template layout looks nicely on your website now.

    yannick2407 Friend

    Hi Leo

    The Development Mode was already set to “off” . And I do not think I made a change that could cause IE9 to work properly.
    In the web development tool bar it still looks awful when I select IE9 , so I do not fully understand why it works with ‘your ‘ IE9

    Anyway, I will just leave it as it is for now .


    phong nam Friend

    Hi Ron,

    I just want to add some words here. The Enable Development Mode in Template Manager is like in my snapshot below, just Turn off it:

    In addition, you shoud check out the CloudFlare if you are using it on your website, since a friend (a JA member) also gets the layout problem with JA Hawkstore template on IE when enabling this security service. That is all i want to say 🙂

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