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  • activha Friend

    Well I have a problem with lazyload and k2, it does not create images in cache for K2 images and then all articles are loaded without the blank image for images.

    Of course all permissions are ok and folders set

    Cannot see where the problem is ?

    Does anyone has same problem with lazyload ?

    Thanks for an idea

    BTW for mods :
    If you have a look at the website please do not change anything as we are in dev, just let me know where the problem could be and we’ll correct it, thanks 🙂

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi activha,

    Could you please explain me more details ? how to replicate the problem ? Do you mean the lazyload is not working for k2 images that inserted from Image tag ? I checked and were seeing that all are working fine 🙂

    activha Friend

    What I mean is that when loading, the K2 elements load only after their image is loaded, this is not the same behavior as in the demo site where the K2 element is loaded with a blank image, then the image is loaded.

    Next, there is no elements at all in the lazyload cache, which means that there are no blank images created by lazy load. So the user experience is not the same as they can left the page during the seconds while all the next images are loaded and the next K2 elements are shown.

    Further in the source code there is no mention of lazyload classes or data-original in the img tag

    Hope it is clear 🙁

    Sherlock Friend

    <em>@activha 332589 wrote:</em><blockquote>What I mean is that when loading, the K2 elements load only after their image is loaded, this is not the same behavior as in the demo site where the K2 element is loaded with a blank image, then the image is loaded.

    Next, there is no elements at all in the lazyload cache, which means that there are no blank images created by lazy load. So the user experience is not the same as they can left the page during the seconds while all the next images are loaded and the next K2 elements are shown.

    Further in the source code there is no mention of lazyload classes or data-original in the img tag

    Hope it is clear :-(</blockquote>

    Okay actinha,

    will need further checking into the code to detect the problem , Could you please update the info with the correct FTP Info ?

    activha Friend

    <em>@Sherlock Holmes 332683 wrote:</em><blockquote>Okay actinha,

    will need further checking into the code to detect the problem , Could you please update the info with the correct FTP Info ?</blockquote>

    We only have ssh with key access on this AWS machine, could you use extplorer ? or tell me where to send private access key ?

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi activha,

    you could try as follow to resolve the problem
    open the file of pluginssystemjalazyloadjalazyload.php you look for this line of code
    [PHP] $img_path = JPATH_ROOT.’/’.substr($src, strlen(JURI::base()));[/PHP]

    And insert right below it this line of code
    [PHP] if(strrpos($img_path,”?”)) $img_path = substr($img_path,0,strrpos($img_path,”?t”));[/PHP]

    Let me know if that still does not help !

    activha Friend

    This solved it thanks a lot

    Hope you will include it in the next version of lazyload plugin 🙂

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  activha 12 years, 5 months ago.

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