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  • bennyykh Friend


    I want to ask how to adjust left and right column width of this template.
    I want to set left column width to 160px, and right column to 300px.


    beastmode54 JA JobBoard

    Yes, i have the same question. Ive done this hundreds of times with other templates, but it seems with the new template structure I am un able to find the correct chunk of code.

    beastmode54 JA JobBoard

    looks like its in template/layout/blocks/ and which ever the right column is. Looks like it has its own .php file.

    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi bennyykh

    – open templatesja_selenilayoutsblocksleft.php , find style=”width:<?php echo $l ?>%” and change to:


    – open templatesja_selenilayoutsblocksright.php , find style=”width:<?php echo $r ?>%” and change to:


    bennyykh Friend

    <em>@JA Developer 155143 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi bennyykh

    – open templatesja_selenilayoutsblocksleft.php , find style=”width:<?php echo $l ?>%” and change to:


    – open templatesja_selenilayoutsblocksright.php , find style=”width:<?php echo $r ?>%” and change to:


    thanks, it worked 😉

    but after I changed it, there is a lof of space between the left column and the main content…. (pls see the attact file space.jpg)

    also, the right colume can’t fit into the position because it changed to 300px (bigger than the original one), pls see the attact file space2.jpg

    can u help me to solve it, thanks a lot :-[

    1. space
    2. space2
    lamvt Friend

    Hi bennyykh.
    If you fixed your width collums, not good for you.
    Pls use my ideas:
    If you use your temlate width is 960px (check configurations of your config)
    left is 160px right is 300px so main about 500px
    left: 160/960= ~18%.
    right: 300/960=~32%
    main: so main is 50%

    Open yourtemplate: layouts/default.php Line 16: $this->_basewidth = 30;
    Changes it to $this->_basewidth = 32;
    Try to do it

    bennyykh Friend

    yes, i also found it and it worked! 🙂

    changed the following 2 files:

    for right column: layouts/default.php >>>>> $this->_basewidth = 33.67;
    for left column: layouts/left-content.php >>>>> $this->_basewidth = 18.82;

    lamvt Friend

    changed the following 2 files:

    for right column: layouts/default.php >>>>> $this->_basewidth = 33.67;
    for left column: layouts/left-content.php >>>>> $this->_basewidth = 18.82;

    Best Answer

    rarunkumar7 Friend

    The above said code is not there in the new version of the template(1.1 version).Please help me to reduce the right column size to 20%.


    bennyykh Friend

    you can find it at templatesja_selenilayoutsdefault.php

    line 16: this->_basewidth = 30;

    just change 30 to other value u want

    rarunkumar7 Friend

    Thanks Benny.How do I enable both left and right columns with middle column as content for this template.


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