For everything in the site except VirtueMart, this template works great!
The problem we’re having is that when you go into the cart in Virtuemart or view any product categories, the left hand menus are thrown down underneath the VirtueMart component.
There have been a lot of posts about possible fixes to this problem, like hacks to the VM or Ja Megia templates, downloading a ja_vm_cat_browse.php file and putting that somewhere (what folder would it go?), comments about narrowing the virtuemart component (which files would you edit for that – the VM template or the Ja Megia ones?) but unfortunately there hasn’t been a post with easy step-by-step instructions on how to do it. Not a total beginner with Joomla but not familiar with css and template issues so can’t troubleshoot this one very easily or work out from the posts what files have to change or how to fix this.
Can anyone please provide a step-by-step guide for how to fix this? Many thanks in advance to anyone who can help!