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  • pictogramme Friend


    I just installed a clean version of the Quickstart Ja_lens and when I try to view the site I get error 404 page.

    What a surprise! An idea?


    oyvindss Friend

    On a previous server, I got the 404 page after I tried deleting the “installation”-folder through the Joomla setup which gave me an error (probably from lacking sufficient privileges). The workaround was to not push the “Remove/delete installation folder” in the Joomla setup and just manually delete it via FTP instead. After that, refresh the page.

    I don’t know if this can help you. Maybe it’s not the same exact thing that happens for you, but I guess it could stem from the same problem.

    pictogramme Friend

    Thank you for the help but after a complete reinstall and manually deleting the folder “install” it still does not work.

    Wall Crasher Developer

    Hi pictogramme

    You can re-check Home menu, something is wrong with it.
    You can PM me ftp & admin account of your site, i shall help you check it out.


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