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  • holyroodcomms Friend


    I purchaed the jobs site component just under a month ago (Around 14 December 2009). I have customised it to my liking on a development server, and am at a stage where I am preparing for deployment, however; the domain name the product is licenced for is currently in use by another system which requires php4. This will not be a problem when the joomla site is deployed, it has been tested and is working on the live server.

    I do not want to cause any extended service outage on the site, but when I tested the new site and entered the license key provided in the email from you (Included in ticket), it told me the license is invalid. I switched the site back to the old one, and php4 is now running on the server, this prevents the JAJobs site from running, however, so I can not enter the licence key in this state.

    Do you need to activate the license or something?

    Unfortunately, I can not give you access to the administrator login or FTP server, as they are protected against external login, and I do not believe you require it to fix this problem.

    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi there,

    Please provide us at least the url and admin account for closer look? Assured that your privacy is highly appreciated. Otherwise, I am sorry not being of much help.

    holyroodcomms Friend


    The site will be hosted at http://jobs.holyrood.com

    However, there is an older system currently live there, and I do not want to disrupt the service. The old system runs only on PHP4, so I need to upgrade php when the site is completely ready, as switching to PHP5 (required for JA Jobs) will prevent the current site from working.

    I can switch the sites temporarily, as I did to test if the license works, but would prefer if this were within a pre-arranged time-frame, ideally outwith GMT office hours, to keep service disruption to an absolute mimimum.

    If this is suitable, I can provide you with the login details, however I will need to know what IP address you will connect from, when you will be able to do this, and how long (estimate) it will take, as my sites use multiple firewalling systems and HTAccess directives to prevent log-in attempts from non-approved addresses, and company policy requires that site security be kept to a high standard.

    Anonymous Moderator

    Hello holyroodcomms,

    As you buy license to use JA Job Board on http://jobs.holyrood.com, the unique license can be updated for activation of the com only on this registered domain.

    If you want to use JA Job on a testing domain, pls contact our Account & Billing manager to send you a temporary license during this phase. When your site goes live, you need to contact us to recover the official license.

    holyroodcomms Friend

    It is the official license I need to recover. The license sent to me by email does not seem to work, this is during the time when I put the development site on the live domain for testing. As the license did not work, I switched back to the old site, to prevent service interruption.

    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi there,

    A new license has been generated and sent to your mailbox now. You can login JA helpdesk and check the details as well. This seems to be individual issue, kindly provide us more info (if neccessary) therein for easier follow up

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