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  • balanceakademie Friend


    we use your fantastic template ziolite.

    My problem:
    in our mainmenu on left site we have very long menu items.
    like: abcdefgehie jkl mneo rzu Klmene

    This looks not good, it would be better if it looks like:

    jkl mneo rzu Klmene

    In menu manager i wrote it like:
    abcdefgehie <br> jkl mneo rzu Klmene

    Joomla shows it so:
    abcdefgehie <br> jkl mneo rzu Klmene

    not with a line break….

    What can I do to have menu items in two lines, instead of 1 line?

    Thanks for your help,


    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi balanceakademie,

    It is very strangle.
    I have checked your issue with our template but could find.

    It works fine when i insert a long text to menu item or <br> tag.
    if possible, please send me your live url so that i could have closer look on the issue?

    balanceakademie Friend

    Hi JA Developer,

    thanks for your help.
    This is the link:

    If you hav a very long text, it works fine.
    If you have a long text, it doesn’t work.
    If you put a linebreak in it, it only shows the linebreak and make a linebreak at an other point of text….

    Thanks for your help!


    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi balanceakademie

    It is very strangle because you can not input a breakline (<br/> tag) in title textbox because the system will delete special charaters.

    For this cause, i think you should try with a short word and a long text string.

    balanceakademie Friend

    Hi JA Developer,

    so I can do nothing? Not my way…..

    Other way:
    I can give less place for textbox. Less width, than the automatically linebreak will come…….

    Thanks for your time!!


Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  balanceakademie 15 years, 10 months ago.

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