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  • tedstriker Friend

    This may be a completely basic question but it’s driving me crazy. :confused:

    How do I link the category titles to the page that lists all of the articles listed under that specific category? For example, on the homepage of the Ja Kulanite demo the “Resolution” tab links to a page that displays all of the categories listed under it in the table/blog style format. On the page there is the 1) Libero Vestibulum auctor, 2) Nikon Coolpix P80 and the 3) Nikon Coolpix S210 (black) intro text w/images all listed out in a nice layout with read more links.

    On my test site, I get a 404 error when I click on the category titles on the homepage but I’ve also changed the names of the articles and category titles already. I did leave the “Demo Section” section named the same however.

    Any help would be appreciated because I can’t get them to connect again now.

    Thanks in advance,


    Sherlock Friend

    Can you send your URL ?

    tedstriker Friend

    I pm’d the URL to you. Thank you for taking a look at things.

    tedstriker Friend

    I’ve been troubleshooting this a little more and it appears as if the linking issue might be from how the extension attempts to link to the category. Category Name vs. Category ID

    When the JA News extension builds the link for Category, it seems to use the category name and not the category ID, which seems to be causing my issues. If I put the Category ID in the URL String, I can view the Category and all related articles just fine as intended.


    Link built from JA News extension to category on homepage:


    Which results in a broken link when targeting ‘id=homepage-category’

    But when I change the ID to the appropriate number in the same generated URL:


    Results in a correct link when targeting ‘id=36’

    In my Joomla setup, ‘ID 36’ is the same as ‘homepage-category’ but using the name in the URL doesn’t seem to work.

    Any suggestions on how to implement a fix for this?

    Sherlock Friend

    Do you try with clean Joomla ?

    tedstriker Friend

    Yes. I’ve tried both options for Search Engine Friendly URLs but the result is the same. I have not activated the Apache mod_rewrite feature though. I don’t have much experience with that. Do you think that would help? It’s on an Apache server (Grid GS) at Media Temple

    I have set up a Menu Item, Section, Category and Articles from scratch and add the ID to the JA News module and it gets pulled into the homepage, but the link is still broken. So I don’t think my issue arose from changing the names of the categories from what was provided in the base Ja Kulanite demo to what they are now.

    *Another bit of weirdness is that if I change the “Group by Category or Section” parameter to “Section” and update the section number to be pulled in to the homepage, it works just fine. Change it back to Category and it doesn’t work again. Unfortunately, the title bar gets a little messed up as well when you choose section or I might try just using that as a work around.

    Any advice or direction would be appreciated.

    tedstriker Friend

    Fresh Install via the Quickstart setup. I have not touched anything yet or even logged into the admin area. I even completely deleted the database this time around and started completely over.

    URL: http://www.polarshiftparty.com/

    Its a very nice template and I really like the way the JA News area looks, so I was hoping someone could help me out with it. I really appreciate any advice or instruction.

    tedstriker Friend

    I think I may have stumbled upon a work around or solution for our issues. I’m certainly not a programmer, so I will defer to the developers of the JA News module for the final say on whether this is an appropriate work around or not.

    In the file: /modules/mod_janews/tmpl/blog_item.php

    On lines 3-7 you will see the following:

    if ($catorsec) {
    $catlink = JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getCategoryRoute($rows[0]->catslug, $rows[0]->sectionid));
    $catlink = JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getSectionRoute($rows[0]->sectionid));

    Make a small change on line 4 to the following (in bold below):

    if ($catorsec) {
    $catlink = JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getCategoryRoute($rows[0]->catid , $rows[0]->sectionid));
    $catlink = JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getSectionRoute($rows[0]->sectionid));

    And that did the trick for me. Let me know if you get yours to work by doing the same.

    (posted again for reference from thread: http://www.joomlart.com/forums/showthread.php?t=15318)


    Menalto Friend

    Did you manage to solve this? if so please mark this as solved, if not and you still need help please post here again and include your joomla version, template verison and a description of your problem if different from before.

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