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  • andreipopel Friend


    How can I put an author link near picture description or near the picture? I want front-end users to see who uploaded the picture(the name of the uploader) and to easily get on the CB profile page of the picture’s author

    I tried this: in the semantic/display.class.php file I found the switch statement in the function showDisplayImage() and added ” <div align=”center”><?php echo “Uploaded by: “.galleryUtils::genericGetUsername($item->userid);?></div> ”

    That shows under or above the picture the text Uploaded by: folowed by the real uploader username.

    How to link this to user’s profile?


    Sherlock Friend

    Dear andreipopel !

    Sorry you but this is problem in code of CB component , i highly recommend you go to http://www.joomlapolis.com/ and ask about this problem.

    andreipopel Friend

    Ok, thanks for advice!

    I’ve installed the new RSGallery2 for J1.5! and it works fine on avian2. The JA extensions made for Ja Avian2 work only in legacy mode, you should modify them to work in J1.5, I think it’s not so hard for you. The new RSGallery works smoother than alpha release for j1.0 or legacy mode, so please, try to make those extensions work. Or….an avian3 release?

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  andreipopel 15 years, 11 months ago.

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