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  • elajuventud Friend

    Hi, i’m tryin do links on image in the slideshow but it is not working :((. I’ve set the Show description parameter to Yes and put some link in the Descrption parameters like this:

    image exist, all seems to be great, don’t understand why it doesn’t work .. please helppp..


    Khanh Le Moderator

    I’m working on this problem and will figure out solution soon.

    jsprague Friend

    Any solution yet?

    elajuventud Friend

    Any solution yet ???

    antoniu1 Friend

    the slideshow doesn’t work well in other ways too. The pics shift and it is not compatible with Opera and IE7. I am still waiting a long time now for a solution to that – and this – too.

    Take care!

    Khanh Le Moderator

    The module and template have been update to make the link work. The update are made on following parts:

    Template update:

    1. Adding 4 images:
    – mask-slideshow-t.gif
    – mask-slideshow-l.gif
    – mask-slideshow-r.gif
    – mask-slideshow-b.gif

    2. In template index.php, remove “.ja-slideshow-mask” in “<!–>” block (line 37)

    3. In template template_css.css file, update styles for /* Slideshow */ block

    Module slideshow: Update file mod_jaslideshow.php

    antoniu1 Friend

    Hi Khanh,

    Thanks for the update! With only a week before going live, I am happy it’s arrived.

    There is one small thing left: With Opera the slideshow width is about 5px too small on the right side. The gap between slideshow and top position is larger than it should be. is there a way to change that gap?

    You can see it work at http://www.loamindset.nl

    Thanks again, I appreciate it!

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

This topic contains 7 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  antoniu1 17 years ago.

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