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  • jakubd Friend

    Is there a way to make the image in the JA News Featured module linkable? It’s just that it’s the biggest focal point on the site, and I know that visitors will want to click on it. I had it working before, but now I’m using the latest version of Ja Teline IV and Joomla 2.5 and I can’t figure out how to do it. I would also like to create the “hand pointer” effect when hovering over the image so that it acts like a real link. And is it also possible to make the small featured images linkable? They’re on the right side of the module, they got cut off in my screenshot. I would really appreciate any help or guidance with this.

    1. 1
    TomC Moderator

    As I understand, the images link back to the article they are associated with. If not, I would think that you should be able to attach a link to the image within the editor of the article – i.e. click on the image and enter a url link anchor to it – as you would within a custom_html module.

    Is this not the case?

    jakubd Friend

    No, that’s not the case. You can insert a URL into the image in the article editor, but that does not make the image on the JA News Featured module linkable. There was a code edit I had to make on the backend in older versions of JA Teline IV to make this work, but now something changed and the old code doesn’t work anymore.

    I believe that this is the code I used before, but it doesn’t seem to work anymore:


    Sherlock Friend

    Hi jakubd,

    You can try as following to get those images linkable
    Open the file of templatesja_teline_ivhtmlmod_janews_featureddefaultblog.php look for this code
    <?php if($bigshowimage && $news->bigimage) {?>
    <div class=”ja-zincontent-img clearfix” <?php if ($align!=0) {?> style=”float:<?php echo $align; ?>” <?php } ?>>
    <?php if($bigshowimage) echo $news->bigimage?>
    <?php } ?>


    replace it by this
    [PHP] <?php if($bigshowimage && $news->bigimage) {?>
    <div class=”ja-zincontent-img clearfix” <?php if ($align!=0) {?> style=”float:<?php echo $align; ?>” <?php } ?>>
    <a href=”<?php echo $news->link;?>” title=”<?php echo strip_tags($news->title); ?>”>
    <?php if($bigshowimage) echo $news->bigimage?>
    <?php } ?>

    Then look for this
    <?php if($smallshowimage && $news->smallimage) {?>
    <div class=”ja-zincontent-img <?php echo $align; ?> ” <?php if ($align!=0) {?> style=”float:<?php echo $align; ?>” <?php } ?>>
    <?php echo $news->smallimage;?>
    <?php } ?>

    and change it to
    <?php if($smallshowimage && $news->smallimage) {?>
    <div class=”ja-zincontent-img <?php echo $align; ?> ” <?php if ($align!=0) {?> style=”float:<?php echo $align; ?>” <?php } ?>>
    <a href=”<?php echo $news->link;?>” title=”<?php echo strip_tags($news->title); ?>”>
    <?php echo $news->smallimage;?>
    <?php } ?>


    I hope those would help !

    jakubd Friend

    PERFECT! Thank you, you are awesome. 🙂

    jakubd Friend

    Dat Hoang, do you know if there’s a way to link to the smaller images without a line appearing under the image when you hover over it? When I hover over the images, the image becomes underlined. This code would be perfect with that minor customization.

    Phill Moderator

    Can we have a link to your site? It is a minor css adjusment which will be easy to find when we can see it. Before you post the link please go to the template manager and set css optimization for this template to “No” and clear your caches. This way we can see the correct css to edit rather than the cached version.

    jakubd Friend

    Thank you so much for the quick response. The site is here. I want to take out the underline that appears on hover because in IE and Firefox on Windows, it stretches the module while hovering.

    Phill Moderator

    Please change http://www.juggalonews.com/home/templates/ja_teline_iv/themes/red-color/css/color.css line 101 to

    .ja-zinfp-normal .ja-zincontent:hover a {
    background: none repeat scroll 0 0 transparent;

    jakubd Friend

    Thanks, you’re awesome!

    kozakos Friend


    is it possible to add url links to images inside article in jatc_teline_iv_t3_j3x


    phong nam Friend


    The answer is Yes. However, there are two steps you need to do to get the linked images:

    – Insert the link to images inside the articles

    – Put the below line into the end of article that you want to insert the link to images:

    {jathumbnail off}

    Remember to clear JAT3 cache after updating changes.

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