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  • evendesign Friend

    Hi, sorry if my english is not good.

    I tried to post images on these modules that contain links, the problem is that I have set the link and it works only when the module exceeds the body’s site and this is on the Bottom module.

    I have not gotten it to work the “Mouse Over / Mouse Out” in these positions.

    I really need to enable these functions to provide the sponsors of my site the option of putting advertising banners with links to their websites.

    This problem occurs in Firefox, Safari, IE8 but the functions are enabled in Opera and IE9 Beta.

    Please help me to solve this problem!.

    Thanks in advance.

    Sherlock Friend

    Dear evendesign,

    Please post your site url here and let me know the exact modules you are talking about.

    Its impossible to support you without the site url.

    evendesign Friend

    Hi, the website is http://www.congreso-dirsa-aidis.com, please help me with that…

    Sherlock Friend

    Dear evendesign,

    Please provide me more details,I am not sure How can I check out the problem ?

    evendesign Friend

    The probem I have is that when I place images or text with links to a url in modules: right-banner, left-banner and banner-top, the links do not work while the position of the module is at the height of the article. Please check the site http://www.congreso-dirsa-aidis.com and try to click on the links on the left and right banners … not work in IE8, Safari, Opera and Firefox.

    In addition, the function Mouse Over / Mouse Out does not work in these positions.

    Sherlock Friend

    Dear evendesign,

    i checked your site on firefox and I could click on the banners on the left,top and right position,please let me know how can I check out the issue.

    evendesign Friend

    Forget it!!

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  evendesign 14 years ago.

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