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  • leogomez Friend

    Links are not working. Or more accurately, they do not display the content they are pointing to. All of them are displaying one single page. Site is http://www.gomez.cr

    If you try the blog links, you will realize that they work fine. But if you try other links, such as “our services”, you will see what I am talking about.

    All of them point to the -apparently- correct link, but display the content of “Want to be the first to try our new framework..”

    fmfame Friend


    I think the pages you are meaning are shown correctly.
    you have to know that few pages have the “features” layout. In features layouts there only modules are displayed. If you havent set modules to this pages, there is no content. Only the features-inro (“want to be the first…) module is added here.

    i added a testmodule on the link –> Joomla page –> other pages –> smart search..
    Here you can see my added module. Look at the bottom

    So if you want to shown standard joomla content you could use as layout “blog” for example.

    Check module positions and asignments to pages in template manager in this template under the tab “layout”.

    If there isnt a block called “component”, then its only an module layout

    Look here this is a featured layout without a “component” block:

    and here is a blog2 layout with a “component” block which could shown joomla category articles for example:

    and if you want to remove the module “Want to be the first to try our new framework…”

    then go to module manager and search to this module by pasting the title Want to be the first to try our new framework…

    hope this helps..

    have a nice day

    1. Bildschirmfoto-2014-06-20-um-09.41.01
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    3. Bildschirmfoto-2014-06-20-um-09.44.21
    Ninja Lead Moderator

    I just got it fixed directly on your site. The Ja Sugite – Default template style of your site is set without main_content. I changed it to default-content-left layout.

    It’s working fine now, please check again.

    leogomez Friend


Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  leogomez 10 years, 6 months ago.

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