Hi, I am trying to put links on images, and it works well for FF3 and opera, on IE7 if I hover the images, it shows the correct alt description, but the arrow doesn’t become a pointing hand, and doesn’t allow to click on the link (apart for a small area below the left part of the image)
there’s an example on this page:
I tried inserting with JCE and default editor, but the result is the same…
here is the code for the image link
<p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify"><a href="Autori-e-editori/help-iniziative-editoriali.html"><img class="caption" title=" " src="images/stories/strisciahelp.gif" border="0" alt="collaborazione, help, mensile, informazione, tutela, consumatori" align="left" /></a></p>
Anybody know how to solve this annoying problem?