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  • zorroh Friend

    is there any way how to list my articles with link (user my articles)

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    Your question is difficult to understand.

    A illustrated screenshot of what you are trying to do would be of help for me to understand and I would be able to help you out then.

    zorroh Friend

    in multiuser system every user posts some articles…

    how to make menu link where you see your own articles what is posted by you? so every user can list his/her own articles.

    zorroh Friend

    in multiuser system every user posts some articles…

    how to make menu link where you see your own articles what is posted by you? so every user can list his/her own articles.

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    I’m afraid that at this moment Joomla doesn’t support to list articles for specific user like that.

    You can use CCK component for Joomla like K2… to have that feature

    zorroh Friend

    k2?:confused: you must be joking? Teline V is build without K2! tell me please what is the point of Teline V if i will now use K2? what was the point then to create that extra cool content CCK for Teline V if we cant use it?

    news magazine means lot of users, columnists, bloggers, editors etc.
    where they can manage their own articles?

    zorroh Friend

    k2?:confused: you must be joking? Teline V is build without K2! tell me please what is the point of Teline V if i will now use K2? what was the point then to create that extra cool content CCK for Teline V if we cant use it?

    news magazine means lot of users, columnists, bloggers, editors etc.
    where they can manage their own articles?

    Arvind Chauhan Moderator

    Hi Zorroh,

    Hope the solution below works for you, thats what we are using on Joomlart.com . I am checking if we can extend this option as a easy to use feature instead of hacking files.


    Arvind Chauhan Moderator

    Hi Zorroh,

    Hope the solution below works for you, thats what we are using on Joomlart.com . I am checking if we can extend this option as a easy to use feature instead of hacking files.


    Ninja Lead Moderator

    I mean the list articles for specific user does not support under com_content by JOOMLA default and you can use CCK component for joomla, I will help you to do that.

    If you want to run JA Teline V with the list articles for specific user, you can work with category blog, you can try to use temporary the solution below

    Open plugins/system/jacontenttype/models/items.php file and under getListQuery function and add script below

    // Add filter by author_id
    $filter = explode('_', JFactory::getApplication()->input->get('filter'));
    if (count($filter)<2) $filter[1] = '';
    $this->setState('filter.author_id', $filter[0]=='author' ? $filter[1] : '');
    $this->setState('filter.tag_id', $filter[0]=='tag' ? $filter[1] : '');
    // end filter

    see the screenshot

    and you call it from URL of your site with format: your_domain/category_name?filter=author_

    1. Screen-Shot-2015-06-08-at-17.08.32
    Ninja Lead Moderator

    I mean the list articles for specific user does not support under com_content by JOOMLA default and you can use CCK component for joomla, I will help you to do that.

    If you want to run JA Teline V with the list articles for specific user, you can work with category blog, you can try to use temporary the solution below

    Open plugins/system/jacontenttype/models/items.php file and under getListQuery function and add script below

    // Add filter by author_id
    $filter = explode('_', JFactory::getApplication()->input->get('filter'));
    if (count($filter)<2) $filter[1] = '';
    $this->setState('filter.author_id', $filter[0]=='author' ? $filter[1] : '');
    $this->setState('filter.tag_id', $filter[0]=='tag' ? $filter[1] : '');
    // end filter

    see the screenshot

    and you call it from URL of your site with format: your_domain/category_name?filter=author_

    zorroh Friend

    Ok. thank. Can you please guide me a bit. I modifed this file as you showed it here.

    how exactly you call it from url?

    i have root category for articles, it is named “Articles” – it contains several subcategories. i made menu link for root articles category, menu item type is category blog… link alias is now my-articles

    so real link would be like this:

    anyway… i tryed different ways and it is not working for me 🙁

    it shows articles, but it shows everyone articles…

    zorroh Friend

    Ok. thank. Can you please guide me a bit. I modifed this file as you showed it here.

    how exactly you call it from url?

    i have root category for articles, it is named “Articles” – it contains several subcategories. i made menu link for root articles category, menu item type is category blog… link alias is now my-articles

    so real link would be like this:

    anyway… i tryed different ways and it is not working for me 🙁

    it shows articles, but it shows everyone articles…

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    You can see the sample from joomlart site with with author name: http://www.joomlart.com/blog/arvind and http://www.joomlart.com/blog/hung-dinh

    with author id: your_domain/category_name?filter=author_

    author id: you can check from

    + Author:

    + User Profile

    Ex: your_domain/category_name?filter=author_42

    1. Screen-Shot-2015-06-09-at-10.58.09
    2. Screen-Shot-2015-06-09-at-10.58.25
    zorroh Friend

    yes, i know how to get user name and id. but its not working.

    i have made category blog under menu link http://mydomain.com/articles

    so i add for that link ?filter=author_73

    complete link is http://mydomain.com/articles?filter=author_73
    i also tested this link http://mydomain.com/articles?filter=zorrroh_73

    i also tried with subcategory “eesti”
    @ninja Lead, You example is: your_domain/category_name?filter=author_id-nr

    category_name” – is it a menu link or not?

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This topic contains 16 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  zorroh 9 years, 6 months ago.

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