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  • dankumc Friend

    Hi there. I checked all Ja Teline IV versions for joomla 1.6 since the release in decembre 2010.
    all version have one common: the loading haven’t been improved.
    i loaded the website from a local webserver without any images and senseless!! modules (like facebook twitter etc.)
    the smallest structure take more than 5sec. that cannot be. the JA framework is bad programmed!!!

    i will change my template teline iv to iii. it works better!

    tomarriola Friend

    My fix for this issue isn’t easily repeated, though I’m keeping a log of what is done when I get the results I want. This works randomly. Last night I tried over a dozen time w/o success to get the page to a nice size. I tried again just now. My page was 1MB when I started and 260k when I finished.

    -I start out with a base joomla config with SEO/ URL rewriting set to on in the server config.
    -Also the jomla cache is off and joomla gzip is off too.
    -I start out on the JA TEline side by turning on template caching, the js/css files are joined/minified/gzipped.
    –In the templates Cache Exclude section and exclude at least 1 component and position in the template cache
    -At every step I load the main page and then clear all the framework cache and the joomla caches.

    At this point I’ll run a report at and get a baseline for the page load. This is the point where it is 1.5-2MB. You might say,” turning on the template cache and letting it minfy/join/gzip is the fix”. If you believe that, do so now and check the page load in pingom. If you’re happy with what you see no need to read on. I bet you read on…

    The next step is to make some changes

    -Turn off template cache
    -Set css/jss optimize options to none (no join/minify/gzip)
    -Clear the framework cache and reload the main page. Do it again.

    Now make some more changes. These are probably the key to the fix.

    1 -set css and js to join/minfy/gzip
    2 -Turn on Template cache
    3 -Go to the templates Cache Exclude section and remove one of the excluded components

    Click save and then clear the cache and reload the main page. Run your page thru pingdom. If the results aren’t what you want try again. Focus on the final steps 1-2.

    These steps sometimes work and usually don’t. They are the exact steps I took just now to get a page load of 260k. Use the link to view the results. Click thru the archives and see where the page size started

    Using Joomla 1.6 and JA TELINE IV


    dankumc Friend

    thx. for your quick answer.
    i will check it and send you some news within the next hours.

    dankumc Friend

    <em>@tomarriola 250636 wrote:</em><blockquote>..-Also the jomla cache is off and joomla gzip is off too.
    -I start out on the JA TEline side by turning on template caching, the js/css files are joined/minified/gzipped.
    –In the templates Cache Exclude section and exclude at least 1 component and position in the template cache
    -At every step I load the main page and then clear all the framework cache and the joomla caches.

    At this point I’ll run a report at and get a baseline for the page load. This is the point where it is 1.5-2MB. You might say,” turning on the template cache and letting it minfy/join/gzip is the fix”. If you believe that, do so now and check the page load in pingom. If you’re happy with what you see no need to read on. I bet you read on…


    Which cache do you mean?
    The cache from Menu “Extensions” >> Template Manager >> JA_TELINE_IV – Default >>Tab Global


    the template cache from Menu “Site” >> Global Configuration >> Tab System

    Could you make an example of a component which you set in the excluded section?

    tomarriola Friend

    <em>@dankumc 250717 wrote:</em><blockquote>Which cache do you mean?
    The cache from Menu “Extensions” >> Template Manager >> JA_TELINE_IV – Default >>Tab Global


    the template cache from Menu “Site” >> Global Configuration >> Tab System

    Could you make an example of a component which you set in the excluded section?</blockquote>

    When I say Joomla cache I mean the cache at Site –> Global Config –>System–> Cache settings –> Off

    Here are the template cache exclusions I have

    I tossed the com_content in there as an experiment today.


    dankumc Friend

    hi tomarriola. thx for your quick answer.
    i have tried to realize what you wrote. but the page isn’t really faster.
    i have disabled all featured news in the magazin-menu and all modules on the right position so that just the articles from the categories on the left are still shown.

    i am using ja teline IV on a physical debian 6 machine with apache 2 and 1GB RAM (on monday i will upgrade the ram to 3gb but i will expect no more performance when surfer open the website in the browser)
    the ja teline III work for me in a virtual machine (debian 6 too and 3GB RAM) and the loading is several times faster!!!

    unfortunately i also installed the teline iv-template on the virtual machine and it isn’t faster like on the physical machine.
    first i thought we have an internal dns-problem. but it isn’t.
    therefore the ja_teline iv template is too slow!!! 4000 code lines are too much

    what did i wrong? i use standard settings on the apache 2 webserver and also the templates hasn’t been modified.
    other ja teline iv templates (on internet webhosting webservers like loading faster …

    tomarriola Friend

    The whole thing is a mystery to me. What is more of a mystery if why the developers think having slow pages due to large css and js is acceptable and that the only fix from them is for us to buy a faster server. I’d prefer a faster template.

    I’ll be moving away from ja teline IV within a few days.

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@tomarriola 251236 wrote:</em><blockquote>The whole thing is a mystery to me. What is more of a mystery if why the developers think having slow pages due to large css and js is acceptable and that the only fix from them is for us to buy a faster server. I’d prefer a faster template.[/quote]
    I suppose another way you could try to look at it is whether you would like a feature rich template such as Teline IV – which many many members requested – or relatively simple/basic template for you to develop further.

    Did you try compressing the css/js via the Template Manager?

    I’ll be moving away from ja teline IV within a few days.</blockquote>
    Of course, such is a personal decision that you need to make based on what is best for your particular situation and expectations …. though I very much doubt you will find as robust an out-of-the-box news/magazine template as Teline IV anywhere else that loads any faster (with all of the bells and whistles activated).

    tomarriola Friend

    First off I have barely any of the features and modules activated and still its a 2mb file per page.

    The one consistent response from support has been that the massive page size is fine from the developers standpoint and not a single member of support has been willing to even consider that internal problems are causing the huge file size even with minimal module use. Instead the response is: turn on the cache, gzip and get a fast sever. I have a fast sever, I run gzip and caching. My page size is still massive.

    Is there any response from support other than cache/gzip/server issues?

    Can support show me any fast loading site that uses this template? Anytime I see this template in the wild its a huge file size– over 2MB and page after page loads slowly. Is this what support is proud of?

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@tomarriola 251242 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    Can support show me any fast loading site that uses this template? Anytime I see this template in the wild its a huge file size– over 2MB and page after page loads slowly. Is this what support is proud of?</blockquote>
    Once again, it seems that your frustration is born more from somewhat of a stance of “impatience” due to a few additional seconds of loading time than consideration of/appreciation for the complexity of the coding/programming that goes into a template such as Teline IV.

    What “internal problems” do you believe to be an issue? If you have a practical solution for addressing/improving your perceived “internal problems,” I am certain that the JA Development Team would welcome your practical suggestions for improving the code while still maintaining the dynamic function and depth that Teline IV offers.

    Incidentally, I did a “load time comparison” between Teline IV and other news/magazine templates available – and in each and every case, Teline IV was within only one to two seconds of the loading time (either way) of the others. (Though, for sheer dynamics and depth, very few (if any) other news magazine style templates stand to-to-toe with the JA Teline series – which is why they have been so consistently popular and well received over the years).

    tomarriola Friend

    You’re saying that this template loads 2 seconds slower than comparable templates and thats acceptable. Click and wait?

    2 seconds extra loading time, in addition to the expected loading time creates a site that is unfriendly to visitors even with the fastest connections.

    I’m interested in attracting vistors, not turning them away because each time they click, they wait. Perhaps the 2 seconds extra time isn’t meaningful to you, but it is to me and the people that visit my site.

    This would be an excellent template with the exception of the 600k js file, 600k css and the extra 150 unnecessary pngs that are loaded per page — even with gzip/minify/join/caching.

    This template delivers unneeded junk on each page load. Thats what needs to be fixed.

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@tomarriola 251245 wrote:</em><blockquote>You’re saying that this template loads 2 seconds slower than comparable templates and thats acceptable. Click and wait?

    2 seconds extra loading time, in addition to the expected loading time creates a site that is unfriendly to visitors even with the fastest connections.</blockquote>
    I feel that on this issue, we will have to respectfully agree to disagree.

    While we would all love websites to load instantaneously within the blink of an eye (and someday they likely will), the fact of the matter is that even the largest retailer’s sites – with all of the hundreds of thousands of dollars they poor into their website development – take time to load. In fact, there are several favorite sites of mine that take anywhere from five to ten seconds (on average) to load completely. (Heck, even Facebook takes some additional loading time from time to time). This could be due to a number of reasons (i.e. ISP connection, server issues, my own personal computer’s available RAM and/or cache load at any particular moment, etc.). However, if a site is interesting/compelling enough for me to want to visit it, then a few additional seconds is not going to make a lick of difference to me.

    Compelling content is the overriding key to users/customers visiting and returning . . . not generally a few additional seconds of loading time to see the content. If such is the case for some, then I surmise that such is more of a personal issue of impatience for those users than one of actual interest in what you are offering though your website. In such cases, it’s generally a matter of “can’t please all of the people all of the time” – as these personality types would likely find issue with a site that loads in 1.5 seconds rather than 1 sec. 😉

    This template delivers unneeded junk on each page load. Thats what needs to be fixed.

    Personally, I cannot even begin to understand the complexity of the code that is required to make a template as dynamic and robust as Teline IV function as it does. This is why I asked about what kind of “internal proglems” and/or “unneded junk” is within the code that you feel could be eliminated or refined while still allowing for the full functionality of the template.

    TomC Moderator

    @tomarriola . . .

    Another member seems to have (at least partially) found a solution —>

    Perhaps that might help you as well.


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