<em>@victorlai 219586 wrote:</em><blockquote>Login Form’s “Username” change to chinese simplified cannot display properly in front page:
I want to change the Login Form “Username” into chinese simplified. So I go to the below directory and file to make the changes.
<?php echo JText::_(‘Username’) ?> (Original)
<?php echo JText::_(‘帐号’) ?> (After modification)
After that I refresh the front page. But the chinese simplified character cannot display properly as I wish. It look like funny character: �ʡ��� (in Firefox or IE) .
Would any expert help me this problem?:((</blockquote>
You should not edit original code to Chinese simplified, If want translate to Chinese simplified or any language you can you joomfish or gtranslate and so on…
I hope useful for you.
best regards