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  • brigog Friend

    I used the Quick-start to install joomla/CB/Fireboard/Template etc however the version of Community Builder was outdated so I upgraded to the recent version. Everything works fine however I noticed that you can not get all the features of Community Builder to work unless you use the CB Login as opposed to the Login Form. My question is, how do I get the Login to look the same on the CB Login as it is in the Login Form you provided. The only area I want changed is at the top when it has “username” “password” “forogot password” “register” areas. The actual registeration page it goes to after you click the register is fine as is. I simply want the graphics for the CB Login to the be same as the Login Form you provided. Please Help!

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  brigog 15 years ago.

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