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  • vladimirmisik Friend

    I have logo problem…
    My logo has darker background … I dont want it

    My logo is transparent PNG it should be OK.
    Can someone help?
    Thanks in advance

    1. Logo-problem
    Richard A Friend

    There is a different background colour on the navbar mainmenu area behind the default Purity 3 logo and it remains when a different logo is put in place, but can be removed by adding the following code to the Purity 3 template custom.css file:

    .logo a {
    background: none;

    The different background colour also appears in hover mode over the logo and can be removed by adding the following code to the Purity 3 template custom.css file:

    .logo a:hover {
    background: none;

    Note: you will need to add the custom.css file to ../templates/purity_iii/css if you have not already done so.

    Note: Joomlart support may have a better way but the above works for me

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    @dealthenuts: Thanks for help
    @vladimirmisik: you can try to do with @dealthenuts suggested

    vladimirmisik Friend

    SOLVED !!!!!

    Thank you very much.

    rand2712 Friend

    Where exactly do you place the new code in the existing template.css?

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@rand2712 424132 wrote:</em><blockquote>Where exactly do you place the new code in the existing template.css?</blockquote>

    Try entering it into your custom.css file.

    If there isn’t one already established, simply create it within file path –> /templates/ja_purity_iii/css

    rand2712 Friend

    Ive done that but i am not usre where to place…

    logo a {
    background: none;

    in the actual theme code itself

    TomC Moderator

    I’m not certain what you mean … if you put it within your custom.css file, you don’t need to put it in any other css file. The custom.css file/rules are the last things that are read and, so, override other css rules.

    Incidentally, I believe you need to include a “period” in front of “logo” in the CSS rule, as follows:

    .logo a {
    background: none;

    rand2712 Friend

    I think I misunderstood. Do I paste that code into the the Css? Or do I simply just replace some text within the code?

    Do I basically just delete #0067a2 and type none?

    1. lenderzlist.com-Administration-Template-Manager-Customise-Template
    TomC Moderator

    <em>@rand2712 424141 wrote:</em><blockquote>I think I misunderstood. Do I paste that code into the the Css? Or do I simply just replace some text within the code?</blockquote>

    You cut-and-paste the code above into your custom.css file – save the file – refresh your page . . .

    simple as that


    rand2712 Friend

    ok so i copy and pasted the code like you said and still nothing.

    I selected my custom theme and clicked template.css the pasted the code and it still did not work. I know I am missing something haha I am fairly new to this so no judging lol.

    1. lenderzlist.com-Administration-Template-Manager-Customise-Template22
    TomC Moderator

    So that we can try to best assist you, please provide the url of the site you’re working on,
    as well as temporarily set “Optimize CSS” to “Off” within your Template Manager–General settings

    rand2712 Friend
    Ninja Lead Moderator

    <em>@rand2712 424150 wrote:</em><blockquote>http://dev.lenderzlist.com/</blockquote>

    Have you solved it? I see the logo gets rid of the transparence.

    rand2712 Friend

    Yes you guys are great, I was going to template manager then picking a template style and then using the magicTheme to create what I thought was a custom.css file. Not just going to the theme file manager and creating one. Like I said lost I was 😉 found it after reading a bit about how to create the custom.css file on T3 doc site. Thanks for dealing with me 🙂

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