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  • iaassens Friend


    Is it possible to make the logo appear in the center position when watching the theme in small layout only. and still left posisitoned when the main menu is at its normal function.

    Found this in header-home.php: <div class=”pull-left logo”>
    However I can not seem to find any settings for mobile view.

    cheers and thanks.

    swissa Friend

    You can adjust it using the css. Go to your theme and template.css (or add custom.css) around line 5351

    @media (max-width: 768px)
    .t3-header .pull-left {

    • position: static;
    • margin-left: 270px; <add this line and adjust as needed


    Hope that helps!

    iaassens Friend

    thanks swissa,

    but not exactly, I have attatched a picture that explains what I am trying to achieve. πŸ™‚


    1. Capture
    swissa Friend

    That is what the code achieves on my machine so maybe I’m not understanding what you want. The 270px is not fixed – you’ll need to adjust to your wish.

    iaassens Friend

    looks like this in my theme.

    1. Capture
    swissa Friend

    What are the two menΓΌs?

    iaassens Friend

    the main menu and off canvas menu.

    swissa Friend

    To do that you’re going to have to change some php. Happy to do that?

    swissa Friend

    <em>@iaassens 411264 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi,

    Is it possible to make the logo appear in the center position when watching the theme in small layout only. and still left posisitoned when the main menu is at its normal function.

    Found this in header-home.php: <div class=”pull-left logo”>
    However I can not seem to find any settings for mobile view.

    cheers and thanks.</blockquote>

    You still want to do this or can I throw my notes away? πŸ˜€

    iaassens Friend

    Hi swissa,

    Sure, I still want to do this yes. However my site are still in development fase and is only hosted on my localhost.
    So not sure how to proceed from here.


    swissa Friend

    Let me post the changes you need to do, I can clear a sticky on my desktop and you can bookmark this thread for when you go live (or use akeeba to transfer to a live site). Ok?

    Before we start, PLEASE do a backup! Even if you are using a local site to work this.

    Also take a copy of the file we are going to change and save it somewhere safe. If it all goes ‘Pete Tong’ we can get it back to pre-hacking stage quickly!!

    Go to templates/ja_appolio/tpls/blocks/header-home.php

    Find this code @ circa line 30

    <!-- LOGO --> <div class="pull-left logo">
    <div class="logo-<?php echo $logotype ?>">
    <a href="<?php echo JURI::base(true) ?>" title="<?php echo strip_tags($sitename) ?>">
    <?php if($logotype == 'image'): ?>
    <img class="logo-img" src="<?php echo JURI::base(true) . '/' . $logoimage ?>" alt="<?php echo strip_tags($sitename) ?>" />
    <?php endif ?>
    <span><?php echo $sitename ?></span>
    <small class="site-slogan hidden-xs"><?php echo $slogan ?></small>
    <!-- //LOGO -->

    cut it and move it to below this code (it is currently before it)

    <?php if ($this->getParam('addon_offcanvas_enable')):
    $this->loadBlock ('off-canvas');
    <div class="container t3-mainnav">
    <div class="container">
    <?php if($this->getParam('mm_type', 'mainmenu') != 'none') : ?>
    <!-- Brand and toggle get grouped for better mobile display -->
    <div class="navbar-header">
    <?php if ($this->getParam('navigation_collapse_enable', 1) && $this->getParam('responsive', 1)) : ?>
    <?php $this->addScript(T3_URL.'/js/nav-collapse.js'); ?>
    <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".t3-navbar-collapse">
    <i class="fa fa-bars"></i>
    <?php endif ?>

    and paste it back in.

    What we’ve just done is move the logo from before the off canvas menΓΌ to after it. All of about 20 lines but makes the difference!

    Now take the css I gave you earlier and let’s adjust to fit your idea.

    @media (max-width: 768px)
    .t3-header .pull-left {
    position: static;
    float: right !important;
    margin-right: 120px;

    adjust and play with the 120px margin as necessary.

    Hope that nails it; if it does (and it does for me) copy this and keep it safe. If you upgrade the template you’ll need to redo the php change.

    iaassens Friend

    Hi swissa,

    Thanks, πŸ™‚ that did put the logo between the two menus, however it is not really centered with a margin-right styling.
    Looking at the page on different screensizes positions the logo different places, never centered.

    But you have still saved my day with the php tweaking, so thanks. πŸ™‚

    swissa Friend

    <em>@iaassens 412127 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi swissa,

    Thanks, πŸ™‚ that did put the logo between the two menus, however it is not really centered with a margin-right styling.
    Looking at the page on different screensizes positions the logo different places, never centered.

    But you have still saved my day with the php tweaking, so thanks. :)</blockquote>

    Just add different media queries for each size. You have 768px now, you can copy this for 991px etc etc etc and adjust as needed.

    iaassens Friend

    oh great, thanks again. will try to mess around with this a bit then πŸ™‚

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