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  • djmarkus Friend

    Can anyone help me with a nice dynamic logo for this website to go with the color theme. please

    the name of the company is Available Property In Spain. The logo currently on the site is from my site with the JA Portfolo template, but I like the new JA Travel Template much better. I am building this to make it better.

    This would be a great help

    Thanks in Advance

    TomC Moderator

    I can refer you to an excellent logo design site where the quality of the work – in my opinion – is EXCELLENT.

    In fact, I commissioned MY company logo through them – and I am VERY pleased with the results.

    djmarkus Friend

    Thanks, can I take a look at your website with the logo please.

    Please take a look at my current site will be replacing the above site as I think the JA Travel template is a lot better for my needs and Your Main Menu on the old site on the left can be better incorporated in the Mega Menu on the Travel Template
    I am building from the top and it will have all the elements of the current site..Your thoughts please

    TomC Moderator

    My website is still very much a WIP …. but you can see my logo contest page here –>

    Take a look through some of the other contests … there is some really nice work and creativity amongst the various designers there. And although there is a minimum bid amount – in my opinion it’s WELL WORTH it when you think of what logo designers usually/generally charge for their services.

    I suppose you can see how the logo looks on the pre-buzz blog I’m developing (using JA-Methys) for my (eventual) ecommerce store (again, VERY MUCH a WIP) –>

    djmarkus Friend

    I have an on going contest thanks

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@djmarkus 247805 wrote:</em><blockquote>I have an on going contest thanks</blockquote>
    That’s great ….. If you want anyone here to provide any feedback as the contest progresses and/or nears conclusion, let us know and post up the link to your contest page.

    I did something very similar while my contest was running . . . I sought feedback from a group of friends and professional acquaintances within the industry my business is focused. It was a kind of quasi “focus group” testing that helped me arrive at my final logo/trademark design.

    djmarkus Friend
    TomC Moderator

    <em>@djmarkus 247818 wrote:</em><blockquote></blockquote>

    GREAT START !!! ….

    Some advice (from experience) . . . . What I did to encourage participation is to look through some of the other contests and see which designers’ work you like. Then “invite” them to participate in your contest. You get up to three official “invites,” but you can also write your own ‘invitations” on individual designer’s portfolio pages. To do this, hover your mouse over a particular designer’s name (on another contest page) and click “Invite _____ “. A notice will be sent to that particular designer that you would like for him/her to participate in your contest.

    After you have exhausted your three allotted “official” invites, then what you can do is write your own on any designer’s individual portfolio page. What you do is hover over a designer’s name and click “View Portfolio.” Then, you can submit a “feedback” message such as this . . .

    I really like your designs and I’d be honored it if you would consider submitting some work for my contest.

    Available Property In Spain

    Looking forward to seeing your designs.

    Thank You

    Also, FEEDBACK IS KEY …. the more constructive (and respectful) feedback you provide (and the more often), the more modifications you will receive from the designers participating. This is how I generated close to 200 entries for my contest (though not all of them remain on my contest page today).

    Lastly, do not be disappointed if the first several entries aren’t what you had in mind or blow you away . . . it’s VERY GOOD that you gave your contest the full seven days. I found that the better/best designs and modifications were posted toward the middle/end of my primary contest. Of course, when the initial seven days are up, you have to choose THREE of your favorite designs – afterwhich you have an additional seven days to provide further feedback/modification requests and choose the winner.

    (I know I sound like I’m affiliated with 48Hr Logo – but I honestly am not. I simply was very pleased with my result and I enjoy passing the potential onto others). 🙂

    Be sure to keep us posted as you receive entries and your contest progresses.

    djmarkus Friend

    You are great, also I am trying to get my template correct on my page I would like the iamge to strst and be flush were the menu items start and finish, also I want the image flush with the blue borders

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@djmarkus 247907 wrote:</em><blockquote>You are great, also I am trying to get my template correct on my page I would like the iamge to strst and be flush were the menu items start and finish, also I want the image flush with the blue borders</blockquote>
    For the slideshow image, you might want to try reducing the width of the container – within the css.

    You currently have your css on “compress” mode within your Template Manager, so it is difficult to ascertain which css rule you would need to change (using Firebug).

    djmarkus Friend

    ok what i need to do for you to see

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@djmarkus 247963 wrote:</em><blockquote>ok what i need to do for you to see</blockquote>
    Actually … Do me a favor and start a new thread with this new line of questions. That way, if anyone has a similar issue, they can search it out – rather than be confused by a thread title called “logo design help” – make sense?


    In preparation, however . . . go into your Template Manager … click on your template “JA Travel” … and on that first page tot he right you will see “CSS and Javascript Compress” … select “No” for “Optimize CSS”

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