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  • feribacsi Friend


    I’ve installed today, the playmag template.
    My problem is, that i changed the logo, to my page logo.

    When someone click the logo, it redirect to the main page.

    In my page:
    When someone click the logo, only got page refresh, no redirect to the main page.

    And another problem.
    I set up 3 background picture, but does not show, only the white background.

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    You can fix the problem logo link on your site with my solution here

    Open templates/ja_playmag/tpls/blocks/header.php file

    find and change

    <a href="<?php echo JURI::base(true) ?>" title="<?php echo strip_tags($sitename) ?>">


    <a href="<?php echo $this->baseurl; ?>" title="<?php echo strip_tags($sitename) ?>">

    About background picture on your site, let me know where did you do?

    feribacsi Friend

    Thank you. I changed to code, but won’t work :((. You can check my site here .

    feribacsi Friend

    And another question. How should i add the rating stars to my articles?
    I tryed everything what i could.
    But it show wrong as you see:

    I did not find any tutorial, how to setup normally the rating option :((

    1. question3_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_
    2. question4_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_
    3. question5_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_
    feribacsi Friend

    And another question. How should i add the rating stars to my articles?
    I tryed everything what i could.
    But it show wrong as you see:

    I did not find any tutorial, how to setup normally the rating option :((

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    You can try to fix the link logo on your site with my solution below

    Open templates/ja_playmag/tpls/blocks/header.php file

    find and change

    <a href="<?php echo JURI::base(true) ?>" title="<?php echo strip_tags($sitename) ?>">


    <a href="http://gocompete.hu/" title="<?php echo strip_tags($sitename) ?>">

    About other request, you have to edit you menu item and to set Article Option => Show Voting on “Show“.

    feribacsi Friend

    Thank you!

    The logo problem solved.

    And the second problem, the rating solved too, but i had to say, that the first thing what i did, that i push the “show” button in article option.
    The problem was:
    There was on option in the menu manager:
    Article Layout
    I had to set it to the “review” template.
    This solved my problem.
    My setting was: global configuration

    But the last problem, the invisible background still alive.

    feribacsi Friend

    Thank you!

    The logo problem solved.

    And the second problem, the rating solved too, but i had to say, that the first thing what i did, that i push the “show” button in article option.
    The problem was:
    There was on option in the menu manager:
    Article Layout
    I had to set it to the “review” template.
    This solved my problem.
    My setting was: global configuration

    But the last problem, the invisible background still alive.

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    I will help you to check the second problem directly on your site, you can pm me admin login of your site and FTP account.

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    I will help you to check the second problem directly on your site, you can pm me admin login of your site and FTP account.

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

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