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  • vigonace Friend

    Hallo Joomlart Team,

    I need support. The website is finished just need some fine polishing, couldn’t find any suitable thread to solve my problems accordingly.

    a-) I need the Logo(Vi****ce H**d**de to be shown as main logo without the symbols on the background. But i also want the symbol to be seen/displayed fully when scrolled down on both desktop and mobile devices.

    b-) I need the footer to be much compact with all the information it has(Look like Breadcrumbs), they are legals that in Germany if not displayed can cost my business a lot of money/penalties. I just want all to take less space and look beautiful.

    c-) How to disable the Facebook Plugin Comments on some specific articles(Articles posted under the Footer Menu). Also disable Autor, Date, Category and such, i did on each article but the changes doesn’t take place.

    Thank you
    Grüßle aus Köln.

    vigonace Friend

    @swissa mein Guter, ich brauche deine Hilfe. Bitte.

    Ninja Lead Moderator


    a) Can you give me the screenshot? I read several time but I could not understand clearly your request.

    b) You have to add the css style into your site

    + Create templates/ja_fixel/css/custom.css file and add new rule

    #t3-footer ul.nav > li {
    float: left;
    padding-right: 10px;

    c) This way will help you to remove fb comment

    Open templates/ja_fixel/html/com_content/article/default.php file, find and remove script below

    <?php if($tplparams->get('tpl_facebook_comment', 1)): ?>
    <div id="fb-root"></div>
    <script>(function(d, s, id) {
    var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
    if (d.getElementById(id)) return;
    js = d.createElement(s); = id;
    js.src = "//<?php echo $tplparams->get('tpl_facebook_appid', '') ? '&appId=' . $tplparams->get('tpl_facebook_appid', '') : '' ?>";
    fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
    }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));

    <div class="fb-comments" data-href="<?php echo JUri::getInstance()->toString(array('scheme', 'host', 'port')) . $this->item->readmore_link ?>" data-num-posts="10"></div>
    <?php endif ?>

    vigonace Friend

    @ninja Lead

    “a) Can you give me the screenshot? I read several time but I could not understand clearly your request.”

    Pictures 1-3: Logo not displayed accordingly.

    Pic 1-2: I would like to have the Logo: Vi***ace Ha***ade as main Logo without the Symbol on the background
    Pic 1:
    Pic 2:

    and when you scroll down

    Pic 3: I would like to have the symbol(Still a logo of mine) to be displayed.

    Pic 3:

    “b) You have to add the css style into your site

    + Create templates/ja_fixel/css/custom.css file and add new rule”

    There isn’t such a file in that folder or anywhere i searched with no success.
    Plus my Copyright is not there anymore after me trying to modify Template Details.xlm and Language(GB & DE) mod_Footer see picture 4. If i can have my Footer Menu displayed as breadcrumbs that means horizontally and the Copyright back, i’ll be satisfied.

    Pic 4 :

    “c) This way will help you to remove fb comment

    Open templates/ja_fixel/html/com_content/article/default.php file, find and remove script below”

    I DO NOT want to disable the Facebook Plugin completely i just want to turn it OFF on some specific articles(Those linked to the footer menu) and further more disable Autor/Date/Category in those articles as well. I tried but the changes are not saved nore taking place.

    Thank you for the support 🙂

    1. Bildschirmfoto-2014-10-07-um-09.59.54
    2. Bildschirmfoto-2014-10-07-um-10.00.23
    3. Bildschirmfoto-2014-10-07-um-10.00.47
    4. Bildschirmfoto-2014-10-07-um-10.50.39
    Ninja Lead Moderator


    a) b) I just fixed the problem directly on your site with the new rule in templates/ja_fixel/css/custom.css file

    c) The script in fb appears all details article and you could not control OFF with some specific articles as your expectation

    vigonace Friend

    @ninja Lead
    Thank you.
    Yeah there is a custom.css file in there, sry didn’t see it.

    Could you tell me what you changed and how you changed it? So i can also do/customize it myself in future(If necessary via PN).

    a) Is not OK. No one can read what the Logo says and a logo is suppose to be visual and big so customers can remember it.

    We have a word Logo and a Symbol, see screenshots below. I would like the word logo to be seen effectively, big enough for customers to read it and the symbol logo also to be seen entirely so customers can see and recognize it.
    If necessary modify MainMenu. Just let me know how you do it aswell, please

    -> Can we disable the word-logo and just leave the symbol-logo, entirely visible. That is the best solution i see for the moment. Good for desktop and Tablets/Smartphones.

    b) “Copyright © 2005 – 2014 All Rights Reserved.” Is not there anymore, what went wrong. Can you tell me how you modified the footer so i can customize it when needed like position(Right-Center-Left).(If necessary via PN).

    c) The Facebook issue is solved, i disabled it under TemplateManager/JoomlartTemplate/General.

    PS: I’m not complaining here, we are working things out and i’m thankful enough for the support.

    Thank you.

    1. Bildschirmfoto-2014-10-07-um-13.25.34
    2. Bildschirmfoto-2014-10-07-um-13.25.03
    3. Word-Logo
    4. Symbol-Logo
    5. Bildschirmfoto-2014-10-07-um-13.31.31
    vigonace Friend

    @swissa can you help me out dude!?
    I’m running out of schedule :((:((:((:((:((

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@vigonace 449050 wrote:</em><blockquote>@swissa can you help me out dude!?
    I’m running out of schedule :((:((:((:((:((</blockquote>

    Which issues remain ??

    vigonace Friend

    Hey thanks man (-:

    a) and b) remain as mentioned in #6.

    TomC Moderator

    What are the actual dimensions of your logo image – height x width?

    vigonace Friend

    The word-logo is, original size: 226×80
    The symbol-Logo is, original size: 38×63

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@vigonace 449066 wrote:</em><blockquote>The word-logo is, original size: 226×80
    The symbol-Logo is, original size: 38×63</blockquote>

    I was under the impression that you wanted a logo image to appear larger/more prominently on your site – yes?

    vigonace Friend

    Yes indeed. Would be the perfect solution but i would also be OK with a simple solution as mentioned in #6

    Further if i can get the “Copyright © 2005 – 2014 All Rights Reserved.” back and know how to position the footer left, center, right would be great.

    PS: The sizes of the logos are just original sizes that can be resized to a more appealing size.

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@vigonace 449073 wrote:</em><blockquote>@TomC

    PS: The sizes of the logos are just original sizes that can be resized to a more appealing size.</blockquote>

    What is the ideal size of your logo you would like to display on your site?

    You can throw together a screenshot mockup if you like.

    vigonace Friend

    My dear @tomc

    If i knew how it’s done i would do it myself, try out to find the ideal size for it. But i can’t so feel free to do it or let me know how i can do it. i’ll try till i find the right size.
    Feel free to find out an ideal size for desktop and Tablet/Smartphones. I’m not good at screenshot mockups, it’s a whole school to me.

    Further if i can have the copyright back and know how to modify the footer position(Left, Center, Right) it would also be great (-:

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