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  • aadilk4 Friend

    please assist me with this problem,

    i am using the JA Rave Template so iv changed the template.css and ive inserted the new size of the logo, however the new logo does not show up, initially i managed to change the logo, but i was not happy with it, so i deleted it from the server, now even when i upload th new log and change the logo size, nothing appears, i have tried almost everything and looked through all the forums , however i have not managed to do anything!

    also i would like to remove the url from the logo on the page!

    himangi Friend


    Can you please provide site url, admin and ftp access?

    aadilk4 Friend

    the site is
    http://www.samemonfoundation.org, will follow with my administrator to get the ftp details, please have a look in the mean time and tell me wheer i can check

    himangi Friend


    I see a green logo, with diamensions 314px * 70px, which is getting cut from top and bottom right now.. Do you want to use the same logo or your latest one is different than what I see?

    aadilk4 Friend

    the one that is currently there is the old one, no matter what i do, it still doesnt allow me to change it and put in a new one, or even leave a blank image, even if i changed to the original settings that logo will not leave out site!

    himangi Friend


    Have you tried changing logo.png in core/themes/cyan-color/images? It should work if you change this, else will have to wait until you get admin and ftp details…

    aadilk4 Friend

    thank you, worked, i was changing the logo image from the themeslogo folder, 2 more queries, the logo is now overlapping the slideshow, is there a way to correct this, and what no would i use to change teh total background that is currently grey on the sides of the page!

    himangi Friend
    1. To avoid the logo overlapping over slideshow, edit your template.css and change
    2. <blockquote>h1.logo {
      height: 28px;
      width: 184px;


      <blockquote>h1.logo {
      height: 140px;
      width: 600px;

    3. Do you want to remove the grey color or do you want to change it to some other color?
    aadilk4 Friend

    1.done that, changed the details in my template.css , logo still overlaps the slideshow,

    2.i would like to change the color to the green exactly the same like the color of the buttons in the green layout!

    thanks so much for the support! excellent and effecient

    himangi Friend

    1. The logo styling is still coming from the JAT3 plugin. It means that the code you put in templte.css isnt overriding it yet. For this if you can give me admin access, I will check and fix it.

    2. To make the background green, find <blockquote>body#bd {
    background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #F2F2F2;
    color: #333333;
    }</blockquote> in the template.css and change it to
    <blockquote>body#bd {
    background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #759236;
    color: #333333;

    aadilk4 Friend

    please let me know when done, thanking you!

    aadilk4 Friend

    still no luck moving the logo, is there any other way of doing it?

    Phill Moderator

    That is strange because in templates>ja_rave>css>template.css he does have a width of 600px and a height of 140px but for some reason that is not being picked up but instead the style from the plugin.

    Are you using the latest version of the plugin and have you cleared your JAT3 cache?

    aadilk4 Friend

    yes i am using the latest version! how would i clear the jat3 cache? ive cleared the sites normal cache

    Phill Moderator

    The latest version of what? It is the JAT3 plugin that is important to update here.

    To clear the jat3 cache you should see a “clear jat3 cache” button at the top of your administrator screen.

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