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  • toucandesign Friend


    What line can I insert in the CSS to move the image up slightly, like 20px?

    I’ve tried a lot of CSS trial and error to move it up with mostly error 🙂

    Thanks again for all the help!

    Luna Garden Moderator

    <em>@toucandesign 340604 wrote:</em><blockquote>Awesome!

    What line can I insert in the CSS to move the image up slightly, like 20px?

    I’ve tried a lot of CSS trial and error to move it up with mostly error 🙂

    Thanks again for all the help!</blockquote>

    Thanks : D
    To move up your image, in your template css file (locate in: templatesyour_template_folder_namecsstemplate.css)

    body.layoutview .componentheading {
    margin: -97px auto 0;


    body.layoutview .componentheading {
    margin: -116px auto 0;
    padding: 0 0 20px;

    toucandesign Friend

    Looks awesome Luna, thanks.

    I took a look at mobile, on my iPhone and probably need to adjust that as well. Any guidance you can give me?

    1. photo
    toucandesign Friend

    Actaully, now that I reviewed on desktop and narrowed the browser signifigantly, the logo floats down which may be why it appears like this on mobile?

    1. narrow
    Luna Garden Moderator

    <em>@toucandesign 340737 wrote:</em><blockquote>Actaully, now that I reviewed on desktop and narrowed the browser signifigantly, the logo floats down which may be why it appears like this on mobile?

    Sorry I just check only on browser, thanks for pointing it out.
    Here the solution:
    1. In file


    from code:

    body.layoutview .componentheading {
    margin: -87px auto 10px;
    padding-left: 10px;

    change to:

    body.layoutview .componentheading {
    margin: -125px auto 10px;
    padding-bottom: 40px;
    padding-left: 10px;

    2. In file


    body.layoutview .componentheading {
    margin: -77px auto 20px;
    padding-left: 10px;

    change to:

    body.layoutview .componentheading {
    margin: -136px auto 20px;
    padding-bottom: 70px;
    padding-left: 10px;

    3. In file

    body.layoutview .componentheading {
    margin: -77px auto 20px;
    padding-left: 10px;

    Change to

    body.layoutview .componentheading {
    margin: -135px auto 20px;
    padding-bottom: 68px;
    padding-left: 10px;

    toucandesign Friend

    The solution works beautifully Luna, thanks so much! 😀


    Dear Luna, your solution works perfect for me also.
    But I have another problem. This only works when “show page heading” is set to yes in every menu item.
    Is there a way to make it work globally?

    Luna Garden Moderator

    <em>@Luna Garden 340451 wrote:</em><blockquote>

    body.layoutview .componentheading {
    background: url("your_image_url") no-repeat scroll 0 0 transparent;
    text-indent: -9999px;

    You can see that, this is the background for component heading, so it’s only working for this case.
    If you want it work for all pages, maybe set background for the toolbar:

    #toolbar .main{
    background: url("your_image_url") no-repeat scroll 0 0 transparent;


    Once more your solution was perfect…. but! sometimes, I think when not in layout view (such as slideshow or contact) the toolbar disappears.
    Could you tell me a way in which I could make toolbar to always stay visible?
    Sorry for the fuzz!

    Luna Garden Moderator

    <em>@irescuegr 344371 wrote:</em><blockquote>Once more your solution was perfect…. but! sometimes, I think when not in layout view (such as slideshow or contact) the toolbar disappears.
    Could you tell me a way in which I could make toolbar to always stay visible?
    Sorry for the fuzz!</blockquote>
    Then you set the Smart search module display on all pages, toolbar appears with it.

    markkusq3po Friend

    Hello, i tried all these two steps but dind’t get an image shown.
    For the path i tried several ways with “../”, etc. and also put the image into the folder “templatesyour_template_folderhtmlcom_k2ja_lens”

    but everything i see is the page title doubled. One from the home menu and the other from the img alt tag.

    And by the way, firefox (17.1) shows it different than chrome.

    Ok, the text i can get out of sight with the text-ident tag, but how to get the image shown?
    Chrome is only showing an empty box with a missing image icon, firefox does show nothing.

    Does anybody has a hint?

    Thanks Markus

    Luna Garden Moderator

    Hello Markus,

    Please try this solution instead:

    The first one doesn’t work.

    anitamtan Friend

    <em>@Luna Garden 338089 wrote:</em><blockquote>To change this do as below:
    1. Go to your CSS file >> Adding these lines:
    body.layoutview .componentheading{
    text-indent: -9999px;}
    I try to follow your instruction but….I’m not sure where should I go under CSS? I went to Template manager/ edit-stylesheet…but which one is the right one to put the above message. As I’m not very familier with CSS, Can you give more specific guideline . Thanks a lot:((

    anitamtan Friend

    I think I got the page to edit, but it still doesn’t upload logo. I saved my logo in my media folder, where and how I insert into my CSS file? What does it mean: your image url?
    It shows on how I add on the CSS

    #logo h1 a {
    color: #fff
    padding-left: 0px;
    width: 60px;
    height: 60px;
    line-height: 60px;
    background: url(index.php?option=com_media&folder/allogo.png) no-repeat center center;
    display: block;
    font-size: 0px;
    text-indent: -9999em;


    Luna Garden Moderator


    Your background image URL above is not correct.

    Image url is relative path URLs to the image. For example, your image locate in folder “templates/ja_lens/images/” and its name is allogo.png then the image url should be: templates/ja_lens/images/allogo.png

    Hope you understand.

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