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  • akamamex Friend

    hi, i am using the ja_mendozite template but my company logo image is bigger than the predefined one i wanted to change the logo image, could anyone please help me

    chavan Friend

    please post your site Url

    akamamex Friend
    chavan Friend

    Go to this File: /templates/ja_mendozite/css/template.css

    Replace this code

    h1.logo { width: 329px; height: 35px; } h1.logo a { background: url(../images/logo.png) no-repeat left; display: block; width: 329px; height: 35px; }


    h1.logo { width: 339px; height: 100px; } h1.logo a { background: url(../images/logo.png) no-repeat left; display: block; width: 339px; height: 100px; }

    akamamex Friend

    Many thanks it solved my problem

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  akamamex 10 years, 9 months ago.

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