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  • osseo Friend

    Our web banner (in the logo/banner) area started to disappear randomly throughout the site all the sudden.
    But then it comes back sometimes when you refresh the page, and then it could be gone again next time when you revisit the same page.

    See my screenshot attached from the same page: http://www.district279.org/services-dept/transportation
    and notice the banner were there then gone all the sudden.

    I can’t figure out what could be the cause, please help!

    1. noBanner
    2. yesBanner
    pavit Moderator


    Just navigated on your website and it worked fine for every refresh i made

    Is this happening with a specific browser ?

    osseo Friend

    Not specific browser… I see it happened on different browsers (chrome, IE, firefox) and it happens to different OS too (PC, Mac).

    And it seems very “random”… nothing wrong with the logo image, we had that same image for couple months now and this just started happen maybe few weeks and it’s getting worse. I can’t find a pattern to it. If you try to refresh it couple times it will happen at some point… I don’t have a clue why 🙁

    Please help, thanks!

    pavit Moderator


    I surfed on your website through all pages switching to menu items and refreshing every time at least 10 time per page and i haven’t encountered any problem on your logo image banner

    i can register a video to show it to you here

    but i think that this is your browser issue try to clean browser cache

    osseo Friend

    Hi Pavit – thank you for looking into it, I don’t know what else to tell you but it really is random and I don’t believe is the browser cache issue because I see it happen on other people’s computer not just mine and I haven’t switch the banner/logo image for a while.

    Please let me know if you have other thoughts or suggestions, thanks.

    Phill Moderator

    Great job with NEX y have done there. Like pavit, I too cannot replicate your problem. I have visited many pages on your site and the logo remains. Intermittent problems are always hard to diagnose.

    What version of Joomla are you running and have you updated to the latest version of your JAT3 plugin?

    alexsmirnov Friend

    Hi there,

    Requests for your logo.png logo image actually generate error 404:

    May be it’s being served from your cache as opposite from it’s location on your server?

    Hope this helps,



    1. error_404_on_logo_png_request
    John Wesley Brett Moderator

    Following up on Alex – as you are apparently using a banner background . . .

    instead of a logo,

    you should turn off the logo by either switching to TEXT or setting a display:none
    in a custom.css file

    h1.logo a {

    • background: url(../images/logo.png) no-repeat center center;
    • display: none;
    • height: 62px;
    • width: 152px;


    Your template, as Alex mentioned, is still looking for a graphic logo (logo.png) and that could be your issue.

    I agree with Phill – great use of JA_NEX!!

    Have fun!

    alexsmirnov Friend

    Hi there,

    So, to follow up on John, try creating a 301 redirect from http://www.district279.org/templates/ja_nex/images/logo.png to http://jlamp.district279.org/images/Banners/JA-nex-banner.jpg and watch it for a day or two to see how it goes.

    Hope this helps,



    osseo Friend

    Thank you all for your inputs. I start notices this “missing logo/banner” will happen whenever I make a change to the page.
    For example, if I change something on the homepage, then when I refresh the homepage to preview my change, then the banner will be missing, but after a while, the logo will re-appear again without me doing anything to it….

    Base on your recommendation, I’ve added the following redirects:
    From http://www.district279.org/templates/ja_nex/images/logo.png
    to http://district279.org/images/Banners/JA-nex-banner.jpg (this is the correct logo banner)

    also from http://district279.org/templates/ja_nex/themes/blue/images/logo.png
    to http://district279.org/images/Banners/JA-nex-banner.jpg

    But now, after I clean my browser cache, the logo/banner is missing on all pages through out the site… Is there something else I’m missing?

    BTW, to answer Phil’s question, I’m running on Joomla 2.5.24 but I can’t seem to update the JA modules and plugins due to the following.

    Thanks again guys!

    • Unknown Archive type
    • Update path does not exist
    • Error updating COM_INSTALLER_TYPE_TYPE_.
    Phill Moderator

    Hi osseo,

    Personally, I would not use a redirect but instead stop using the banner and use the logo position instead. It is just a small css change to make it fit.

    As for component/plugin updating, have you tried the JA Extension manager to do the job for you? Give that a go and if you run into trouble drop me a PM with login details and I will be happy to help set it up.

    alexsmirnov Friend

    Hi osseo,

    BTW, to answer Phil’s question, I’m running on Joomla 2.5.24 but I can’t seem to update the JA modules and plugins due to the following.

    Thanks again guys!
    Unknown Archive type
    Update path does not exist
    Error updating COM_INSTALLER_TYPE_TYPE_.

    It would greatly help, if you create a dedicated thread with your upgrading issue and this one will focus purely on sorting your erratic logo.



    alexsmirnov Friend

    Oops! Did not realise Phill already answered!

    Try, as Phill suggested, to set up your JA Extensions manager to see if you can update your JA extensions OK. Just be mindful that via JA Extensions Manager you can update only JA extensions. 🙂



    pavit Moderator

    Hi Osseo

    <blockquote>Unknown Archive type
    Update path does not exist</blockquote>

    You should configure your Ja Extension Manager correctly

    Edit the component and in Service Manager on the Joomlart Updates service click on the edit button and fill in your Joomlart account
    save it and set the service as default

    Then you can make updates

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