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  • yard2008 Friend

    I was buy template MAGEIA, and I need two things:

    1. I need insert flash header, with scrolling images, into header, not only static images as you use. You can navigate me, how can I modify this and insert fash embedded object into header ?

    2. I don´t need a color switching template variation. Only one color scheme I plan use. How Can I disable this feature ?

    many thanks for help, please sorry for my English, :-[


    luisr_ca Friend

    <em>@yard2008 55194 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    2. I don´t need a color switching template variation. Only one color scheme I plan use. How Can I disable this feature ?


    In the JA Mageia index.php file, look for the lines like those below:
    # Enable users option
    $ja_tool = 7; // 0: 0: disable all; 1: Screen tool; 2: font tool; 3: screen + font; 4: color tool; 5: screen + color; 6: font + color; 7: all;

    Set $ja_tool = 3 (for example), and the color choices will disappear from the footer.

    The mageia template directory has subdirectories for each color. Blue is the default color, and the so the template is named ‘default’. You can rename or delete the folders called Cyan, Orange, and Red, if you don’t need them.

    I usually rename directories with, test, test somemore, and only then delete them!

    Hope that helps. I don’t know the answer to your flash question — hopefully someone else will help there.

    Luis Rodrigues

    yard2008 Friend

    No any options, as you wrote, I don´t have in my Mageia index.php

    only one occurence is in the ja_templatetools.php and is set to 1

    class JA_Tools {
    var $_tpl = null;
    var $ja_color = ”;
    var $ja_width = ”;
    var $ja_font_size = ”;
    var $ja_color_themes = null;
    var $ja_menutype = 1;
    var $ja_tool = 1;
    var $template = ”;

    function JA_Tools ($template) {
    $this->_tpl = $template;
    $this->template = $template->template;
    $this->ja_color = $this->_tpl->params->get(‘ColorCSS’);
    $this->ja_width = $this->_tpl->params->get(‘ScreenType’);
    $this->ja_font_size = $this->_tpl->params->get(‘FontSize’);
    $this->ja_tool = $this->_tpl->params->get(‘usertool’);
    $this->ja_menutype = $this->_tpl->params->get(‘MenuType’) ;
    $this->ja_color_themes = $this->_tpl->ja_color_themes;


    Have any idea how can I switch off the color scheme change possibility in template now?

    <em>@luisr_ca 55392 wrote:</em><blockquote>In the JA Mageia index.php file, look for the lines like those below:
    # Enable users option
    $ja_tool = 7; // 0: 0: disable all; 1: Screen tool; 2: font tool; 3: screen + font; 4: color tool; 5: screen + color; 6: font + color; 7: all;

    Set $ja_tool = 3 (for example), and the color choices will disappear from the footer.

    yard2008 Friend

    I was find options for disabling/enabling direct into JOOMLA administration menu, in the template administrations. Setting are written into the params.ini:


    But, even if I was set NO TOOLS, at the page still appear narrow/wide switch and font size switch, and I don´t know why

    matt1ga Friend

    Yes I have the same problem. I have even saved and uploaded a modified params.ini with usertool=0 and still “C” from the image below is still seen. How do we permanently remove “C”?

    yard2008 Friend

    Hi Matt, please tell me, how I can see modules positions as you have in your image? This is a built JOOMLA function, or I must have any tool for this installed ?

    matt1ga Friend

    yard2008, this image came from http://www.joomlart.com/templates_club/club_portfolio/ja_mageia.html

    Regarding the “C” module, you can find the instructions to remove it [url=http://www.joomlart.com/forums/topic/why-are-the-demo-images-only-numbers/

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