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  • deane Friend


    I trying to make the JA Slideshow multilingual with FaLang. When I enter the translations in the description field and save it, there are magic quotes added – which stops the translation from working.


    becomes after saving:

    php.ini in root directory has

    magic_quotes_gpc = Off

    Any idea how to prevent the addition of magic quotes?

    Luna Garden Moderator

    <em>@deane 347537 wrote:</em><blockquote>

    php.ini in root directory has

    magic_quotes_gpc = Off

    Any idea how to prevent the addition of magic quotes?</blockquote>

    Hi Deane,

    Turn magic quote off from php.ini then it won’t appear again.

    I have checked on your site and don’t see any magic quote is added.

    deane Friend

    Hi Luna Garden,

    Thanks for having a look into this issue. Well, did you check the FaLang translation of JA Slideshow and JA Masshead? If you select Language: English and Content Element: Module and then navigate to JA Slideshow you can see the translation of the description field. Something is adding backslashes every time I hit the save button – and it’s not FaLang, since I’ve contacted the author, who also had a look into the issue. Since nothing else is afflicted, my guess is that some Joomlart element is causing the problem.

    Any advice?

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    Hi deane,

    I found the problem on Falang component on your site. I fixed it
    <blockquote>1) Open administrator/components/com_falang/views/translate/tmpl/edit.php file</blockquote>
    + add html_entity_decode

    <textarea name="refField_<?php echo $field->Name;?>" rows="<?php echo $ta_rows;?>" cols="<?php echo $ta_cols;?>" ><?php echo $translationContent->value; ?></textarea>
    change to

    <textarea name="refField_<?php echo $field->Name;?>" rows="<?php echo $ta_rows;?>" cols="<?php echo $ta_cols;?>" ><?php echo html_entity_decode($translationContent->value); ?></textarea>
    <blockquote>2) Open administrator/components/com_falang/falang.php file</blockquote>
    add new this script

    if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
    $process = array(&$_GET, &$_POST, &$_COOKIE, &$_REQUEST);
    while (list($key, $val) = each($process)) {
    foreach ($val as $k => $v) {
    if (is_array($v)) {
    $process[$key] = $v;
    $process[] = &$process[$key];
    } else {
    $process[$key] = stripslashes($v);

    Please check it again and let me know if the issue still persists.


    deane Friend


    Thank you so much – seems to work now!

    The only problem now is that the actual images of the slideshow don’t change anymore – the animation works but the switch to the next image does not, the same images is reloaded.

    Any ideas?

    deane Friend

    Update: I deleted sl-mask.png in the folder …templatesja_ziteimages and the slideshow works now. Is the mask of any relevance?

    Unfortunately, now the translated descriptions don’t show up anymore … going in circles.

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    I couldn’t find the problem on your site. Please include screenshot here for further investigation. I will check it.

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    You can find my fix here and apply it to site. Because this is problem from 3rd party(com_falang).

    deane Friend


    Yes, you’re fix worked as there are no more magic quotes in the translation – at least when I checked the last time, thank you!

    Unfortunately, the description next to the animated images in the slideshow does not appear in the English translation although it does in the German original – see screenshots.

    Any ideas?

    1. Screenshot-Description-in-German
    2. Screenshot-English-Translation-missing
    Ninja Lead Moderator

    The problem on your site is fixed. Please check it again. Check screenshot

    1. FireShot_www_thinkharder_ch_terra_index_php_en
    deane Friend

    Thanks so much Ninja Lead!

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This topic contains 11 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  deane 11 years, 9 months ago.

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