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  • impressme Friend

    My problem is with the magic selection frontend.
    Looks weird for a user to have wording like
    Trucks Add Trucks
    Its should be like
    Trucks Choose…
    or something like that.
    I went to the modjak2filter and at helper.php line 654 and changed
    $txt = JText::
    (‘JAADD’).’ ‘.$fieldtitle;
    $txt = JText::_(‘JAADD’);
    and change the JAADD through language files and it is exactly what I want.
    The question is, How and if I can I do this so the change persists through updates via joomla overrides and or if on the next version you can put an option to disable the $fieldtitle if a user wants.

    Thank you in advance

    Mo0nlight Moderator


    Sorry. We don’t have the plan to do it for the next version , you have to apply this custom work after every updated every version of the extension .
    I suggest you take backup of custom changes before updates so that you can apply it later .


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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Mo0nlight 8 years, 2 months ago.

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