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  • caupolican Friend

    Hello Support:

    Installed Joomla 2.5.7 on PHP Version 5.3.14 Linux s1 shared server for production site in http://www.cruzvital.com

    Then, to troubleshoot test installed Business10, Business11 and Business12 template with JA T3 Framework version 2.5.2 in test site http://www.cruzvital.com/prueba in order to test very strange issue:

    Randomly site gets the issue, especially on pages with little content, although less frequently on full content pages.

    Issue is produced on the MAIN CONTAINER SECTION; ja-mainbody goes over the left navigation menu, overflowing and pushing it.

    Attach images with ok situation and issue situation, so it could be appreciated; also links above can show the issue after navigation on website.

    There is a PHP code which for any reason, in a random way, does not divide even on 80% and 20% the proportion of the objects inside container. Instead, it assigns 79.99% and 99.99%; these are the symptoms displayed, and commented on css w3c validator.

    Please advice.


    1. issue
    2. ok
    Ninja Lead Moderator

    This is problem only with IE browser, you can read more detail here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3839397/why-would-you-use-a-html-css-width-of-99-9-instead-of-100

    caupolican Friend

    Thanks for quick response, Ninja Lead.

    Last question: already read the stackoverflow link provided. Which solution could you recommend? using zoom: 1?

    Thanks again

    caupolican Friend

    Already tweaked all Internet Explorer CSS files; no change.

    Just found that issue is present in all latest version browsers; attach image.

    Please further advice where to tweak to fix.


    1. all-browsers
    caupolican Friend

    Please consider problen is random, all browsers; sometimes present, sometimes gone; not any pattern identified.

    Strange problem. Another image shot uploaded. Makes Website unworkable.


    1. error99-79
    caupolican Friend

    Problem is random

    caupolican Friend

    To Ninja Lead

    Problem is triggered when a visitor browsers with Internet Explorer. Then the problems stays in the server for ALL browser, until the cache is cleared!

    Never seen something like this!

    So it is IE related; any ideas on how to fix this?


    Ninja Lead Moderator

    Very strange with error on your site. You can disable cache from JA Template if it helps you solve your problem.
    Now, i just checked on your site it show 100% and 80%

    caupolican Friend

    Ninja Lead disabled JA cache; issue still; also disabled Joomla cache; but still.

    Already disabled and enabled, uninstalled and reinstalled extensions with jquery to check for any conflicts; but no. Even excluded all the ie CSS styleshets, but still.

    Any further ideas?


    caupolican Friend

    Also please be aware the problem is not in 20% 80% in <!– LEFT COLUMN–>. It is located in 99.99% 79.99& in <!– MAIN CONTAINER –>


    caupolican Friend

    I might be wrong, but I consider this a bug in you jat3 plugin, core section. Around line 1115 in /plugins/system/jat3/jat3/core/template.php $totalw equals 100% has a conditional for IE to set total width to only 99.99%.

    This is what caused the very strange, random, unpatterned issue. Setting this to 100 for IE fixed the bug. Attach image of fix.

    Ninja Lead you were right on your perception of issue related to IE. Thanks again

    1. fix1
    Ninja Lead Moderator

    Great, good job, thanks for sharing.

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

This topic contains 12 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Ninja Lead 12 years, 2 months ago.

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