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  • SHoggard Friend

    Hi got a problem on some categories (but not others)

    The main Image is missing in content pages from

    Eg:- http://packwebasia.com/jupgrade/index.php/packaging-design/structural-graphic-design

    Take the 1st article: NanoPack launches innovative “Bairicade XT” coating it shows a thumbnail on the Category Blog page but click through to the article & it’s gone:-


    NB: We use JCE to place images.

    BUT: other Categories do show the main pic: http://packwebasia.com/jupgrade/index.php/production/installations/1696-shanghai-tobacco-to-install-china-s-longest-offset-press-for-package-printing

    Maybe I’ve set the Category up wrongly, but for the life of me I can’t see where!

    n6rej Friend

    turn off your caching and optimization and then clear caches and see if the problem still exists

    SHoggard Friend

    Thanks….I checked & they weren’t ever ON
    _I’ve cleaned caches but still the same problem

    I have noticed that the Category Name (top of page) = Design Archive (and in the url)
    We don’t have a “Design Archive ‘ – or use the ‘Archive’ area of Joomla (never have) also, the article is clearly listed in the Category “Graphic & Structural”

    Before the site was migrated from J1.5 (2 weeks ago) we DID have an ‘Archive’ menu (& there was a Design Archive item) which led to a list view page…. so I’m wondering if this somehow got mashed up in the migration.

    n6rej Friend

    ok, that makes perfect sense… you need to talk to jupgrade but there will be lots of issues like this. Jupgrade does not handle categories, permissions well
    you’ll need to reset by hand EVERY category related link.
    and check all the permission assignments by hand.
    also you’ll likely need to manually open and save each category/article/menu item.
    this should be VERY well documented on their forum. Fun times migrating >:(

    SHoggard Friend

    Thanks… but the site had already been migrated.
    But actually I discovered the problem…

    Basically the problem was a top-level Category Menu item which was misbehaving…. why remains a question, but I’m not too bothered.

    I reset the sub-menu items to menu root… deleted the naughty Category menu item… cleaned & purged all caches… logged out, shut down my PC & went for coffee & a smoke.

    Returned: re-created the Category Menu item, verified that the sib-levels (still on top level) were all working properly, then moved them under the Category Menu item as child items ….. & it worked!

    n6rej Friend

    awesome… good luck in your joomla endeavors

    SHoggard Friend

    Not quite so ‘awesome’ — it was part of the solution but NOT entirely, after a few more coffees & smokes, it reverted to its old tricks again!

    BUT I found out WHY… seems I had a Menu item – not in Main Menu, but a sub-menu of another menu that migrated over from the Joomla1.5 install (& I’d forgotten it even existed) that had the alias ‘design-archive’.

    It seems that Joomla the module tries to cheat to understand which content to display with the article. It looks for a menu item to it and uses that link. In this case, the first menu item that it finds to link to it was created 2 years ago and was actually on the ‘Hidden Menu’ and that has the alias ‘design-archive’ hence the link.

    I just wiped the sucker out – trashed it!

    n6rej Friend

    thats what I meant when I said you may have to talk to jupgrade… it will have several dumb tricks like that… I’m still sorting them out on one of my sites and its been in dev for 3 months getting all the kinks out.

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