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  • dozza Friend

    Is there any way to have ‘line breaks’ in menu items/titles listed in the ‘main menu’.

    For example, in the attached mock-up image, the menu item ‘Qualification & Entitlement’ is broken across two lines, rather than all in one line which would make the menu item extremely wide, and forces the whole main menu onto 2 lines.
    Am I able to insert <br/> tags into the <li> elements??

    Thanks in advance….:eek:

    1. main_menu_ja_mag
    Sherlock Friend

    Hi Dozza !
    Please send url of your site . i have tested the problem in mageia quickstart , it is ok ,

    dozza Friend


    The live site is at althought the image grab is from my local MAMP development environment.

    Appreciate any help.

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi Dozza !
    I used firebug and change menu text in your site and the text always lies in a row , doesn’t break. Please view image attachment.

    dozza Friend


    My question was “Is there any way to have ‘line breaks’ in menu items/titles listed in the ‘main menu’?.

    I want line-breaks in the <li> tem

    My image was done in Photoshop to show how i would like it to appear! I know it currently stays all on one line but I do not want that. Any ideas?

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi Dozza !
    You can do it in menu manager :
    You go to admin >> menus >> mainmenu >> YOu select menu item , what you want have breaks line , you add “<br />” tag in menu title .

    dozza Friend

    I had tried this haiin but it wouldn’t work for me in Joomla 1.0 or 1.5 – I tried again following your post but it is stripped out when you apply or save.

    I’m trying to do this on a new site at

    I can emulte it using the Edit HTML function of WebDeveloper Firefox Plugin. I add a <br/> to the <span> within the <li>, although it adds a horrible white space below the menu! See below…

    <div id="ja-mainnav">
    <ul id="ja-cssmenu" class="clearfix">
    <li><a href="/index.php?option=com_content&view=frontpage&Itemid=1" class="active first-item" id="menu1" title="Home"><span>Home</span></a></li>
    <li><a href="/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=46&Itemid=53" id="menu53" title="Qualification & Entitlement"><span>Qualification <br/>& Entitlement</span></a></li>
    <li><a href="/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=45&Itemid=54" id="menu54" title="Procedure"><span>Procedure</span></a></li>
    <li><a href="/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=46&Itemid=55" id="menu55" title="Right to Manage"><span>Right to Manage</span></a></li>
    <li><a href="/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=44&Itemid=56" class="last-item" id="menu56" title="Management"><span>Management</span></a></li>
    </ul> </div>

    Can you actually get it to display correctly by adding <br/> to the menu title in admin?

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi Dozza !
    Please send admin acc via pm , i will do it for you !

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi Dozza !
    Please check it again ! It is ok now , Please go to admin >> menus >> mainmenu >> select Qualification
    & Entitlement menu item for in more detailt .

    dozza Friend

    So that is the trick!… to use

    <br />

    ..rather than…


    No wonder it never worked for me!!

    OK, so to remove the extra white space now below the mainmenu…

    Would it be right to add -10px bottom margin to ja_mainnavwrap in template_css.css so it becomes…

    #ja-mainnavwrap {
    background: url(../../images/orange/dot.gif) repeat-y 218px 0;
    margin-bottom: -10px;


    Seems to work. Whats your thoughts?

    Thanks for your help all the same.

    Sherlock Friend

    Ok Dozza !
    i will mark this thread to “solved”.

    dozza Friend


    I’ve resolved the space that appears below the main menu in the header by adjusting the css as follows;

    In template_css.css

    #ja-mainnavwrap {
    clear: both;
    background: url(../images/dot.gif) repeat-y 218px 0;
    margin-bottom: -14px;

    and then in ja_sosdmenu.css

    #ja-cssmenu li a {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 20px 10px 26px 40px;
    line-height: normal;
    display: block;
    text-decoration: none;
    text-transform: uppercase;
    color: #556975;
    border-right: 1px solid #D0D9DF;
    font-weight: bold;
    font-size: 80%;

    To make the above work and keep things consistent, I had to put <br />’s in front of all the main menu item titles. So the main menu at the top looks ok now in most browsers, mac n PC (apart from Firefox on PC??).

    However, the main menu that is displayed in ‘left’ shows all the <br />’s that we have inserted which doesn’t look good at all. Do you have any suggestions of a way around this? I’d really appreciate it.

    dozza Friend

    I could do with some help on altering the look of the left menu, as described above. Anyone?

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi Dozza !
    sorry for delay ! if you want text of menu auto break line when it is very long you must fix width of link !
    you do it following way below :

    Open ja-sosdmenu.css file in templates/ja_mageia/ja_menus/ja_cssmenu folder, find following code section at about line 100 :

    #ja-cssmenu li {
    background:transparent url(../../images/dot5px-grey.gif) repeat-x scroll center top;
    margin:0 0 0 1px;

    change to :

    #ja-cssmenu li {
    background:transparent url(../../images/dot5px-grey.gif) repeat-x scroll center top;
    margin:0 0 0 1px;

    continue , find following code section at about line 82 :

    #ja-cssmenu li a {
    border-right:1px solid #D0D9DF;
    padding:20px 10px 26px 34px;

    change to :

    #ja-cssmenu li a {
    border-right:1px solid #D0D9DF;
    padding:20px 5px 10px;

    dozza Friend


    Thanks for this – I should have thought of that earlier! I’ve noticed that the menu item 1px vertical borders on the shorter title don’t reach o the top of the header pic like the longer titles do. Also, the ‘hover’ style doesn’t cover the full depth of some menu items as well. Can these also be rectified?

    I’ve also noticed that my main-menu that appears in the left column does not have the same styling as the left menu in the demo. Can you point out to me where it has lost it’s styling with the small bulletes etc?

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This topic contains 21 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  dozza 15 years, 10 months ago.

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