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  • diabibas Friend

    i use Virtuemart 2 in Joomla 2.5.
    WHATEVER i do i can’t remove the demo menu (HOME GIFT CARDS J!Page)

    I disable the module and nothing happens,
    i put a new module MaximenuCK to mainnav or mainmenu and it doesn’t appear. (i tested in the default joomla template and works perfect with VM).

    Can’t understand what is wrong.

    pavit Moderator


    Could you please send me via Private Message a super user login to your backend ?

    So i can better check your configuration

    pavit Moderator


    I disabled the HOME GIFT CARDS J!Page menu items

    <blockquote> put a new module MaximenuCK to mainnav or mainmenu and it doesn’t appear.</blockquote>

    You cannot enable a module as mainmenu on T3 Framework – you should create a new menu for this or add new items to the main menu

    diabibas Friend

    Thanks but

    i know how to disable the menus.

    The problem is the module.
    In the mainnav (were it is the demo menu) i want to add a menu module that shows the categories of Virtuemart

    So you tell me that i can’t use that position, that is very critical for the coming e-shop to put a menu-categorie module?

    pavit Moderator

    <blockquote>I disable the module and nothing happens,</blockquote>

    This is what i seen

    <blockquote>So you tell me that i can’t use that position, that is very critical for the coming e-shop to put a menu-categorie module?</blockquote>

    I’m saying that in T3 you should modify the templatesja_bookshoptplsblocksheader.php file to add your module instead of the megamenu

    <!-- MAIN NAVIGATION -->
    <nav id="t3-mainnav" class="col-xs-12 col-md-6 t3-mainnav navbar navbar-default hidden-sm">

    <!-- Brand and toggle get grouped for better mobile display -->
    <div class="navbar-header">

    <?php if ($this->getParam('navigation_collapse_enable', 1) && $this->getParam('responsive', 1)) : ?>
    <?php $this->addScript(T3_URL.'/js/nav-collapse.js'); ?>
    <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".t3-navbar-collapse">
    <i class="fa fa-bars"></i>
    <?php endif ?>


    <?php if ($this->getParam('navigation_collapse_enable')) : ?>
    <div class="t3-navbar-collapse navbar-collapse collapse"></div>
    <?php endif ?>

    <div class="t3-navbar navbar-collapse collapse">
    <jdoc:include type="<?php echo $this->getParam('navigation_type', 'megamenu') ?>" name="<?php echo $this->getParam('mm_type', 'mainmenu') ?>" />

    <!-- //MAIN NAVIGATION -->

    Hope this was more clear

    diabibas Friend

    Thank you again for your quick reply,

    but can you provide me the modification that i should done, so to not mess everything else?

    i tried to comment the red line (of the code above), but it didn’t work

    pavit Moderator


    I found this solution

    Publish your MaximenuCK in mainnav position , In the mainnav position unpublish the main menu ,

    In the file i mentioned above change

    <div class="t3-navbar navbar-collapse collapse">
    <jdoc:include type="<?php echo $this->getParam('navigation_type', 'megamenu') ?>" name="<?php echo $this->getParam('mm_type', 'mainmenu') ?>" />


    <div class="t3-navbar navbar-collapse collapse">
    <jdoc:include type="modules" name="<?php $this->_p('maximenuck') ?>" style="T3xhtml" />

    Then go to your template manager — Layout Tab and change as showed here

    After you will need to customize the maximenuck css files to properly align to the new position

    1. Screenshot_8
    diabibas Friend

    This is great,

    many thanks, i was a little disappointed but now seems OK.

    Great support!

    diabibas Friend

    Hi, again

    i did the menu as you show me, but now when i point to a menu (example on the dog) the green bar gets down with the drop down box. (http://www.petshop4u.gr)
    Can you please help me?


    Saguaros Moderator

    It looks like you change the URL of your site as this link doesn’t work: http://www.petshop4u.gr/

    diabibas Friend

    no i didn’t, but have several problems and i’m opening topics in the forum.

    Please try again

    diabibas Friend

    Can you try please again?
    The site is online (never changed it)

    Thank you!

    Saguaros Moderator

    Please note that the problem not comes from megamenu in this JA Bookshop template, it’s from the maximenuck module which you’re using instead. You can try with my workaround:

    – Create a new css file called custom.css in this path: /templates/ja_bookshop/css
    – Add this new css rule:

    div#maximenuck2 .maxipushdownck {
    height: 1px;

    diabibas Friend

    Thank you very much

    i’ve used maximenu ck before and i thought that was a problem for the template.

    Anyway, really thank you

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This topic contains 14 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  diabibas 10 years, 8 months ago.

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