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  • plutoww Friend

    I’ve transfered my site from my localhost to my hosting provider but im getting this at the top of my page:

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /hermes/bosweb/web050/b502/ipw.kareemthompson/public_html/plutoww/templates/ja_quartz/ja_menus/Base.class.php on line 62

    Also the jahighslide module isnt working anymore. Its giveing a warning also and not showing my pics. Everything work fine when I created it on my localhost but when upload I was devistated.

    Please help, this site address is

    Arvind Chauhan Moderator

    How did you transfer your site from localhost? Used Joomlapack or ftp?

    plutoww Friend

    My Mistake on the Thank you, didnt mean to click that.

    FTP, I used Dreamweaver. Should I have used Joomlapack?

    Arvind Chauhan Moderator

    You can remove the thank you, no problem with that.

    I have never used dreamweaver to upload joomla to server. I would suggest using Joomlapack. Hope you know how to use joomlapack. I use it to upload sites from localhost.

    plutoww Friend

    No Never used Joomlapack. I’ll try it though. do you have any Idea what s going with the coding though?

    Arvind Chauhan Moderator

    Dont want to make guesses about what is wrong, may be path problem or folder permission problem.

    I would have tried joomlapack if i was you, before going after the code. If it worked on localhost, then it has something to do with moving your joomla installation.

    Joomlapack gives you a Joomla installation package with all your data, upload this zip to your web folder and run the installer as done in joomla installation.

    Here are some good links about moving joomla from localhost to server.

    plutoww Friend

    Thanks, I’ll give it a try

    Arvind Chauhan Moderator

    Learning to use joomlapack will be very helpful for you, its makes moving sites or taking site backups very easy. I keep weekly backups using joomlapack. Was very handy when one of my site was hacked to death. restored the website from backup within 10 mins. Do let us know if it works.

    Phill Moderator

    The ftp client in Dreamweaver has been known to cause problem. Better to use Joomlapack as suggested or a decent ftp client such as Filezilla.

    As for your errors I think you have 2 problems. Firstly, your images folder and sub folders need to be writable by the script. If you have root access then this is very easy but it depends on the system you are using as to the syntax used. If you do not have root access then you may be able to change file and folder permissions from your control panel or via Filezilla if your host allows. If not, you will need to speak to your host to get them changed.

    Your second problem may be more difficult if it is what I think it is. I installed JA_Quartz on my test system and it worked fine until I uploaded it. It turns out that the error is there in the script (but I have not had time to look into what is causing it). On your localhost the php.ini file probably has error reporting switched off but on your live machine it is switched on. So unless you can either have a custom php.ini file (if your host allows), or you have root access and can edit your php.ini file then you may struggle to fix that error unless the JA team can fix the problem.

    plutoww Friend

    I have root access but what do I do next.

    Phill Moderator

    Excellent stuff. Are you running linux/apache?

    If so then you need to use the chown command

    chown -R www-data.admin yourfolder/images

    is the sort of command you want to run. On my server setup the user www-data has the write permissions to all folders so I use that username, it may be different on your setup so you would need to look into that. Same goes for the usernam admin, on my system it has more limited write permissions. The username before the . is the owner of the folder, the username after is the group. the final yourfolder/images needs to be the full path to your images folder.

    The problem you are currently experiencing is down to the fact that the file ownership is currently belongs to the ftp accounts user and tha obviously does not have write permissions. I bet if you tried to install a new plugin or component it would not work for the same reason so you may want to change the rest of your joomla install to whatever works like above.

    Sorry if I have not explained it too well. Just look up the chown command in google and you will probably get better instructions.

    The next thing you will want to do is switch error reporting off to get rid of the message at the top. To do this you will need to edit your php.ini file. You will find in there a line that says display_errors=”on”, you will need to change that to display_errors=”off”. You will have to search for your php.ini file as it can be in many different places. Luckilly there is a tool in joomla that will help you find it. Simply click on help from the joomla back end then click on system info. Select the PHP information tab and somewhere in that lot it will show you where your php.ini is. Some systems require you to restart php or reboot your system for the changes to take effect.

    plutoww Friend

    Hey guys, just want to say thanks. I didnt end up using joomlapack on the address i listed above. I did infact use it on the original address it was intended to be used on originaly and it worked PERFECT. I really do apprecite the help.

    Arvind Chauhan Moderator

    <em>@plutoww 120350 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hey guys, just want to say thanks. I didnt end up using joomlapack on the address i listed above. I did infact use it on the original address it was intended to be used on originaly and it worked PERFECT. I really do apprecite the help.</blockquote>

    Using Joomlapack for moving sites or restoring sites from backup saves the trouble of file / folder permissions, which arises as most of the us use the privileged accounts (such as root or other admin accounts).

    The common problems arising out of these file or folder permission denial are absence of images or thumbnails, errors on install or uninstall of components / templates / modules /plugin etc.

    <blockquote>As a general rule of thumb all folders = 755 and all files = 644. Safest permissions depend a lot on your particular server setup. 777 permissions are always a bad idea</blockquote>

    More about the files / folder permission can be read at

    Phill Moderator

    Glad you got it working.

    As drarvindc says, Joomlapack avoids many of the permission problems. It is executing a script and for that reason the ownership of the files is then something the server has rights to. It is worth looking to see who the owner of these file is just in case in future you upload some images etc via ftp and find that you need to change ownership.

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