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  • snakedragon Friend


    I wonder, is there a way making ja_vmproductslide only show the, for example, 10 latest products? Right now it is showing my all 317 products.

    I appreciate any help I can get! 😉

    Kind regards,

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi snakedragon !
    you can do it following some steps below :
    1. Open application.php file in modulesmod_ja_vmproductslideja_vmproductslide folder , find following code section at about line 77:

    $this->_listPro = $this->_db->loadResultArray();

    change to :

    $query .= " LIMIT 0,10 ";
    $this->_listPro = $this->_db->loadResultArray();

    2. Open mod_ja_vmproductslide.php file in modulesmod_ja_vmproductslide folder, find following code line at about line 23:

    $total = $javmslide->getTotal($catid);

    change to :

    $total = 10;

    snakedragon Friend

    Excellent! 😀

    Thank you very, very much!

    The line references were a little off, but I found what I had to correct! The first code which had to be corrected was on line 149, the second code on line 45. (There is an extra row after each line of code in my files.)

    Thank you once again! 😉

Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  snakedragon 16 years, 4 months ago.

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