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  • GeoVi Friend

    I made some layout changes in that I used the “Frontpage” layout on another page. What happens now when the site loads, the new frontpage layout loads and not the original with the slideshow. I’d like slideshow to load when the URL is typed for the site.

    Also, this new homepage created is always highlighted no matter what page I’m clicking on the menu tab.

    I’ve attached an image of the homepage I’d like to show. You can see another menu ‘highlighted’ (the frontpage layout I used for that page).

    When you click here, you’ll see which page loads first as I’ve described. Can you help sort this out for me, please?

    Thanks in advance and Happy Holidays,
    Avis 🙂

    1. Forever-JA
    Phill Moderator

    What layout are you using for the “frontpage”

    The frontpage blog layout is special in that you can only have one in Joomla afaik. However, you do not need to use that layout as your frontpage. Whatever item in the menu manager is set to default will be your homepage. So for your slideshow I suggest you se a different layout to be your homepage and assign the relevent modules to that. Then set that page as default and you should be good to go.

    GeoVi Friend

    <em>@phill luckhurst 208005 wrote:</em><blockquote>What layout are you using for the “frontpage”

    The frontpage blog layout is special in that you can only have one in Joomla afaik. However, you do not need to use that layout as your frontpage. Whatever item in the menu manager is set to default will be your homepage. So for your slideshow I suggest you se a different layout to be your homepage and assign the relevent modules to that. Then set that page as default and you should be good to go.</blockquote>

    Thanks Phill for a very quick response. It seemed you nailed it but I’m not sure I follow. You are correct. This is what I’ve done:

    I’ve changed “Home” to article layout and set it to default home page. That’s really the only change I made. And the url for the site goes to the slideshow. Thank you! I forgot about that “default” setting. grrrrrrr…

    Is it me or does it still appear the “Always & Forever” menu tab is highlighted as if that’s the page I’m viewing but it isn’t. It appears bolder and brigher/highlighted. I could live with it, I guess.

    Thanks bunches for your help. I didn’t want anything on the homepage except the slideshow but there appears to be no way around that. I am trying to avoid having the homepage so lonnnnnnng on all my sites.

    Hope you’re enjoying a wonderful weekend!

    Take special care,

    TomC Moderator

    If I am understanding your issue correctly (as I think I have experienced a similar issue in the past), you may need to go into your Slideshow Module Parameters and make sure that the slideshow is only designated to appear on the pages you want it to (i.e. “Menu Assignment”).

    GeoVi Friend

    <em>@tcraw1010 208013 wrote:</em><blockquote>If I am understanding your issue correctly (as I think I have experienced a similar issue in the past), you may need to go into your Slideshow Module Parameters and make sure that the slideshow is only designated to appear on the pages you want it to (i.e. “Menu Assignment”).</blockquote>

    Tom, thanks for replying. That part isn’t an issue, although it was before. I have designated the Homepage as the only one the slideshow will appear. I just didn’t want any other modules on that page but can’t seem to avoid it.

    My best,

    Happy Holidays! 🙂

    TomC Moderator

    That’s weird … because you should be able to designate (or un-designate) any module from any given page/menu item within the “menu assignment” list in each module.

    Which modules are appearing on which pages where you do not want them too?

    Phill Moderator


    I think what he is suggesting is he just wants the slideshow with no main content area below it. I’m not sure we can accomplish that.

    GeoVi Friend

    Tom, Phill is correct. I used the word “module” and shouldn’t have. YOU are correct, we can designate ‘modules’ but I had to choose a layout for this page and it was article list – then I had to select the “article”. What’s there works for me.

    Thank you. I apologize for the jargon not being accurate. I know that can be misleading but again, I do thank you.


    GeoVi Friend

    <em>@phill luckhurst 208020 wrote:</em><blockquote>TOM,

    I think what he is suggesting is he just wants the slideshow with no main content area below it. I’m not sure we can accomplish that.</blockquote>

    You’re correct, Phill. I didn’t think that could be done, either. And FYI, I’m a “she” – *warm smile*

    Thanks again for your help. This solves my issue unless you know why “Always & Forever” appears to be highlighted no matter the menu item selected. 🙂

    Phill Moderator

    I’m not sure. Looking at your page that menu item seems to have a “group-title” class applied. I’ve just done a droid install to see if I can replicate your problem but I cannot.

    On the frontpage layout menu item do you have any additional classes applied in the Parameters(JA Extended) or Parameters (System) settings?

    *edit – I will refrain from calling you a he (insert embarrased emoticon)

    GeoVi Friend

    <em>@phill luckhurst 208025 wrote:</em><blockquote>I’m not sure. Looking at your page that menu item seems to have a “group-title” class applied. I’ve just done a droid install to see if I can replicate your problem but I cannot.

    On the frontpage layout menu item do you have any additional classes applied in the Parameters(JA Extended) or Parameters (System) settings?

    *edit – I will refrain from calling you a he (insert embarrased emoticon)</blockquote>

    :laugh: don’t be embarrased, I get it often online.

    I checked and the only thing I have on the frontpage layout menu is the Title of the Page under System Parameters, that’s it. I also checked the Always & Forever menu item too and there are no additional classes applied. (See, I’m a quick learner, used proper terms.) 😀

    Thank you for the time you’ve given me on this, Phill…to install the template trying to replicate my mistake. Wow! Much gratitude!

    If you like, I can PM you admin clearance.

    Phill Moderator

    Yep, if you PM me the admin logon I will take a look.

    GeoVi Friend

    You should have mail.

    Phill Moderator

    Hmm, at the moment your site is loading vary slowly for me, back end and front end. It is often timing out. It is probably the internet connection my end so I will take another look tomorrow.

    In the mean time could you upgrade your Joomla install to the latest release as you are a couple of versions behind. I also beleive the template has been updated since your version so it is probably best if you update that too as this issue may have already been fixed.

    Also update the JAT3 plugin.

    GeoVi Friend

    <em>@phill luckhurst 208031 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hmm, at the moment your site is loading vary slowly for me, back end and front end. It is often timing out. It is probably the internet connection my end so I will take another look tomorrow.

    In the mean time could you upgrade your Joomla install to the latest release as you are a couple of versions behind. I also beleive the template has been updated since your version so it is probably best if you update that too as this issue may have already been fixed.

    Also update the JAT3 plugin.</blockquote>

    Yikes! A question. Currently, I have the .com domain for this site redirected to the .info (exisiting site). Since I have to perform these upgrades, would it make sense to cancel the redirection and to the install on the .com domain? I think I can figure out how to do that, then I will have the latest everything, correct?


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