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  • gjensen Friend


    I want to make “read more” a no follow link to help with SEO I need to find the code below, where would I find this code?

    <a href=”/<?php echo $this->item->readmore_link; ?>” class=”readon<?php echo $this->item->params->get(‘pageclass_sfx’); ?>”>

    and replace with

    <a href=”/<?php echo $this->item->readmore_link; ?>” class=”readon<?php echo $this->item->params->get(‘pageclass_sfx’); ?>” rel=”nofollow”>


    khoand Friend

    What module do you want to change?

    gjensen Friend

    It’s not a module it’s code that control inserting readmore into an article

    khoand Friend

    As you see a frontpage of ja_teline_iv, it has many “read more” links that belongs modules show them. So I need exact section/module you want to change.

    nataliia Friend

    Can you help me?
    I want to make a “nofollow” links in JA Bulletin Module. How can I to do this?

    Thank you.

    khoand Friend

    <em>@nataliia 313062 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi!
    Can you help me?
    I want to make a “nofollow” links in JA Bulletin Module. How can I to do this?

    Thank you.</blockquote>
    You replace the code from /templates/ja_teline_iv/html/mod_jabulletin/default.php

    <a href="<?php echo $item->link; ?>" class="readon" title="<?php echo JText::sprintf('READ_MORE');?>"><?php echo JText::sprintf('READ_MORE');?></a>

    <a href="<?php echo $item->link; ?>" class="readon" rel="nofollow" title="<?php echo JText::sprintf('READ_MORE');?>"><?php echo JText::sprintf('READ_MORE');?></a>

    gjensen Friend

    For JAFeatured News

    khoand Friend

    <em>@gjensen 313815 wrote:</em><blockquote>For JAFeatured News</blockquote>
    You replace the code from /templates/ja_teline_iv/html/mod_janews_featured/default/blog.php

    <a href="<?php echo $news->link?>" class="readon" title="<?php echo JText::_('READ MORE...');?>"><span><?php echo JText::_('READ MORE...');?></span></a>

    <a href="<?php echo $news->link?>" rel="nofollow" class="readon" title="<?php echo JText::_('READ MORE...');?>"><span><?php echo JText::_('READ MORE...');?></span></a>

    gjensen Friend

    Thanks for the info about the JAFeatured news – where do I change it for JA News Pro?

    khoand Friend

    You find the code from modules/mod_janewspro/tmp/default/blog_item.php

    <a href="<?php echo $row->link; ?>">
    <?php echo $row->title; ?>


    <a href="<?php echo $row->link;?>" title="<?php echo strip_tags($row->title);?>"><?php echo $row->title;?></a>

    gjensen Friend

    I’m using linear so it was located at modules/mod_janewspro/tmp1/linear/default/blog_item.php

    and the code was (old)
    <a href=”<?php echo $row->link; ?>” title=”<?php echo JTEXT::_(‘JANEWSPRO_READ_MORE’);?>”>

    <span><?php echo JTEXT::_(‘JANEWSPRO_READ_MORE’);?>

    new code

    I changed it to <a href=”<?php echo $row->link; ?>” rel=”nofollow” title=”<?php echo JTEXT::_(‘JANEWSPRO_READ_MORE’);?>”>
    <span><?php echo JTEXT::_(‘JANEWSPRO_READ_MORE’);?>

    gjensen Friend

    K2 comments more and add comment links now showing up in JA Featured news.

    I found a temporary solution of shorten the number of characters allowed in featured posts or lengthening the text, but the code, but the code should never appear there right?

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