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  • pipo0206 Friend

    I’m trying to configure Masshead for several pages.
    For the first page I configured, http://www.pymenetworks.es/proyectos/cliniber/es/contacto , I set the following code:
    [Masshead option=”com_content” view=”article” id=”1″ title=”Contacto”]Llámanos para concertar una cita o resolver cualquier duda respecto a nuestros servicios e instalaciones[/Masshead]
    and it works fine.
    For the next page, http://www.pymenetworks.es/proyectos/cliniber/es/aviso-legal, I copy the previous code, edit the id, title and description to the following:
    [Masshead option=”com_content” view=”article” id=”13″ title=”Aviso Legal”] y condiciones de uso de la web[/Masshead]
    But it doesn’t work for this one.
    What am I doing wrong?

    Checklist: Assigned menu: All
    Language: All
    Module position: masthead
    Published: Yes
    Article Id confirmed: 13
    Article language: All (but doesn’t work either with spanish or Portuguese)
    Template configuration: Ja – Medicare – Interior – ES layout, and responsive layout: Module published
    Template configuration: Ja – Medicare – Interior – PT layout, and responsive layout: Module published

    Thanks for your help

    pavit Moderator


    The super user account provided in this thread doesn’t works i cannot login into your backend and verify your settings

    could you restore it ?

    pipo0206 Friend

    Backend URL, username and password updated in first message.

    pavit Moderator


    The page you are using for aviso-legal menu item it is set with a layout without masthead position different from the layout assigned to your menu item contacto

    assign the same layout page also to the aviso-legal page and then your masthed module will be showed

    pipo0206 Friend

    Done it. I forgot to assign the menu item for “aviso legal” in the specific template layout.

    pipo0206 Friend

    No. Not done.
    When I assigned the menu to the specific layout, It worked for the aviso legal page but not for the next one, http://www.pymenetworks.es/proyectos/cliniber/es/politica-de-privacidad.
    I’m not sure of what you mean. May I ask you to explain it, please?
    The layout I’m using is the same one for both, JA Medicare – Interior – ES, the masthead has its position, the menu is assigned but can’t make it work.

    EDIT: Sorry, very sorry. This last problem was due to thar the page was not assigned in the “assigned menu”. Thanks a lot for your help

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This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  pipo0206 10 years, 2 months ago.

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